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We Don't Talk Anymore //- Charlie Puth ft Selena Gomez. (Listen to it while reading)

Harry -

It's 8 in the evening and I'm sitting at Mayflower with my laptop screen staring at me and my mind running hundred miles an hour.
It's being 2 hours since I dropped Fleur back at her place with a hella awkward silence prevailing which even Green Day could not mend.
Everything was going so well, what happened? I picked her up from her office, we had our silly banter as usual then the cakeshop.

" Go get her boy. Don't let her leave this time. "

This bloody line kept on playing on my mind like a fucking broken record. Forcing my mind to concentrate on the figures on the screen ahead of me, I started typing out a lameass report Sam emailed me about.

26,000 pieces to be delivered by the end of this mon-- should I text her? Just a 'Hey, you reached home safe?'

You dropped her home, dumbfuck.

Running my hands down my hair, I groaned inwardly. I looked at my phone sitting at the corner of the laptop, blinking. Looking at the figures on the screen again, I grabbed the cell, deciding enough is enough. I'll not be able to function properly till I've done something about it.

Back to your old ways huh Styles?
Still the lovelorn puppy you were 10 years ago ha.
Still haven't learnt your lesson after what happened all that while?
You still have that stick of ci-

'Shut the fuck up' -  I mumbled to myself.

Kristy or some waitress whose name I haven't bothered to remember came by and kept a cup of cold coffee on the table. Sipping on the cold, bitter liquid I opened her message bubble.

Hi there, Any news from the cakeshop? - Hell no. It's lame as fuck. Delete.

Fleur, what are we going to do about the wedding venue now? - No, no,no. What's wrong with you Harry? Where's your suave texting skills gone? Delete.

Hi. - Are you fucking kidding me? Delete.

Wanna hang out and talk? - Shoot yourself already Styles. Delete.

"Aarrgh " I spat, throwing my phone on the table with a thud. Fuck this shit. I'm not going to text, I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to keep on repeating the same old story.

Keep telling yourself that.


" What will you be doing tomorrow morning Flu? " I asked falling back on the rickety bed after coming down from the terrace.
She looked at me with that strange smile of hers. I couldn't exactly name what it was. A smile? A smirk? What?
Climbing in beside me she pushed a cigarette on my hands whispering "We'll have a smoke in the morning and then decide."

I laughed saying 'This is the only one I have left. "

" Don't worry, I still have mine. "

There was hardly anytime left for the morning to begin, but suddenly my eyes started getting heavy. Before I closed them, I caught hold of Flu's hand intertwining our fingers.

But in vain.

Next morning, when I did manage to open my eyes, the place beside me was messy and empty. On the bedside table, a single cigarette lay, not the brand I usually had.

There was something written on the napkin it was lying on, 'As promised, Flu x'.

I ran. I opened the door and ran downstairs. I saw mum talking with someone, I asked her where was the wedding party?

'Sunshine, they left 3 hours ago. But why? '

Indeed, but why?

Why was I running? Why did my eyes feel blurry? Why was this inexplicable anger on my chest? Why was this horrible sadness on my mind?

I walked up to my room, staring at that solitary stick of cigarette and the note. I smiled suddenly. What did I expect?

Fleur was not the kind of person who you'd like to continue seeing everyday. She was like whirlwind of adventure, who just came through for a night, flipped your perspectives upside down and left in an equally devastating manner. Like a disease, which you hate falling under, but lord knows when the tenure of the sickness is over, you miss that feeling in some sick twisted way. If I didn't know any better, you'd say I was in love with her. But, I'm not.

Certainly not.

Atleast she was right about one thing, I lit up another cigarette which was lying on the bed, the one she had given me last night and did decide what to do in the morning.

'Harry! ' I heard mum call. Looking at the room for one last time, I closed it.

Some histories are better locked up.


"Here's the bill, asshat. " I heard Kristy say, waking me up from my reverie.

I looked at my phone again, hoping somewhere there'd be a text or something. Nothing. I felt that familiar surge of anger bubbling up again. Shaking my head off, I smiled at Kristy.

" Say, Kristy.. When are you getting off duty tonight? "

She looked at me skeptically." About 10. Why? "

I smirked."There's a Drink till you Drop offer going on at the downtown pub. Wanna come?"

Kristy scoffed. "Vodka and you. Lemme think about my answer."

Stuffing the change for my coffee at the counter I turned around walking off.

"Wait! Lemme grab my coat. We both know we'll not come back here tonight. " I heard her reply.

I heard my phone buzz once, but I switched it off. We can attend to those later.


Yes, another update all thanks to TheRedHoody who was after my life since morning for an update. Even pitched and listened to my sketches for the story. If you ever see me not updating for a long time now you know where to complain, she'll deadass make sure I write something up xD
'History 'was #556 in FanFiction thank you so much! Though comments and votes have been majorly lacking :"(
My exams start the week after and I haven't studied shit woohoo. Hope y'all are doing well :)
Happy Diwali 🎆 to those who celebrate, and Happy Halloween 🎃
That's all from my side, stay gold x

Rumi x

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