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Harry -

It was a typical Thursday morning sitting on my desk and going over tons of files which some miserable people always somehow find a way of messing it up.

"Roger, I asked for the bi annual records, not the half month sales. Listen to what I say at times. " I told to the good for nothing nicompoop standing in front of me.

It was near about lunch time when I finished last of my files, I thought about going over to Mayflower the cafe nearby for some bites. But before that the devil entered.

" Styles, you've finished the files right? All corrections done? "

" Yes. " I deadpanned.

" Great! " Sam huffed slapping his big hands on my back and showing his yellow stained teeth. I could see a piece of lettuce stuck in between. Gross.

Walking over to Jerry's table which used to be opposite mine, he deposited all his files on my desk.

" Since, Tennyson is being busy acting as the prodigal son, you get to go over his files. Fun right? "

I glared at the horrible piece of shit." Amazing fun Sam. Oh the joy!"

He grinned "That's the spirit Styles,well I see you whenever. Goodbye."

"Die and go to the depths of hell you asshat. May you be burned, boiled to death. " I mumbled looking down at towards my desk which had 20 more files each of 50 pages to go over. Oh, the joy.

A week had passed by after Jerry proposed to Tia and it had been four days since Jerry left this job to join his dad at the headquarters.

I heard my stomach groan in annoyance and I decided to catch a quick break at Mayflower before finishing Satan's files.

Grabbing my coat I walked down stairs and let myself out on the busy city streets, where everyone seemed to be in an awful hurry. Droning noises of people talking on the phones, the sight tapping sounds on their smartphones could be heard. No one had the time to look anywhere, they walked on to their destinations like some programmed robots.

Mayflower was a quaint little Cafe at the corner of 5th avenue. Even though they was some light traffic , I had reached there in 10 minutes . I occupied a table near the window, from where we could observe the ongoing people and traffic. The Cafe had a old world feel to it, kinda vintage, and anyone who knows me well knows I love vintage stuff.

While glancing over the menu I saw a familiar figure coming towards my table.

"Welcome to Mayflower, what would you like to order today asshole? "

I laughed "Always a joy meeting you here Kristy"

Saying that Kristy hates me is an understatement. When I first working for Sam I always used to drop by here for some quick snacks, and this is where I met her. She flirted, I flirted. I took her on a date, she insisted escorting me back home. She kissed me, I fucked her. I said goodbye the next day, she slapped me.

That's basically our story in a nutshell.

She hates my guts, but loves me in bed. What can I say? I'm amazing.

"If you've finished your fantasies can you make an order? My hands are twitching to slap you." she said.

"Oh darling, not here. I'll let you spank me tonight if you want." I winked.

She stared at me for a moment then made a u turn back to the cafe, without bothering to take my order. She knows what I like to eat, I've been coming here from last year.

I was checking some emails when my phone rang. A picture of me, Jerry and Tia flashed on the screen.

I quickly swiped on the screen accepting the call "Harry?"

"Yeah. What's wrong? " I asked. Tia never calls me if everything is alright.

" Can't I call you just like that? " she responded.

" No you can't. Now say what do you want? "

" You free this evening? "

" Yeah I am. Why? "

" We are meeting for dinner at our house. The planning group is meeting today. "

" Planning group for? "

" My wedding, you dumbass. "

I softly sweared under my breath. I thought they had forgotten. "What time?"

"8. Please dress properly. I'll be having a friend over. She'll also be helping us plan the wedding. "

"Is she hot?"

"Be there by 8, Styles." saying that Tia disconnected the call.

My order was served by another waitress who told me "Kristy hopes that you fall under a truck and die"

I left a tip and wrote a message on the bill.

I'll be busy tonight sweetheart. Other than that you know where to call me ;) H x

Looking over my watch which said it was 2 in the afternoon, I rushed back to office. The faster I finish the files the faster I leave.
Atleast tonight I'm eating actual food instead of Macdonalds and beer.

Oh, the joy.


Cocky Harry is love *_*

Not many of you liked the previous chapter so it seemed
I promise Fleur is going to much more interesting than what she is now :)
One more chapter, then the *cough cough * first meet *cough cough *

My twitter is @iamrumi27, if you wanna head up and talk random shit.

Pizzas and nachos,
R x
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