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Fleur ~

Nothing, I repeat nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. I mean yes, the place did look familiar but it's that place. You know you have those places that shock you to your core? That was one.
I literally did not have words to say when Harry parked in front of the Medici House that Aunt Lilly had gotten married in.

"Look Flu, I did not bring you here for some cruel throwback shit. Since we're out of places for the wedding to be held I thought that... I mean it just popped on my mind, you get.. Wait, where are you going? " Harry asked as I slammed down the door and got out of the car not really listening to what he was rambling upon.

The house looked just the same from what I remembered. Huge sprawling grey manor with Ivy growning down the walls, with blue and yellow peonies on the hedges and that beautiful terrace where you could see the stars.

I smiled slightly to myself when I looked at him "It's alright, just another place. Nothing to be worried about, definitely nothing to ramble about."

He didn't reply just walked ahead of me towards the door mumbling "Yeah, just another place."

We rang the doorbell and waited but no one answered. I looked at Harry "Do people still live here?"

He nodded "Yes, I came here couple of years back. It was still running then. Let's check the backdoor yeah?"

So we went behind the house in search of a back door which was surprisingly open. Someone clearly lived in that house for there was a small little vegetable garden at the backyard and some a small radio playing a long forgotten song.

"Should we like go inside? " I asked while Harry looked around and called out 'Anybody there?'

We stood quietly expecting a response but none came. I was bit wary of trespassing into someone property but Harry was halfway inside the house when he looked back" What? Aren't you coming? "

" We just can't walk into a property like that, what the hell. "

" Like that's stopped you before." he replied rolling his eyes.

"We're grown adults now, who knows? Some crazy dude might call the police on us for trespassing. "

" Well, I'm going inside. It's almost dusk we need to leave soon. Also we need to decide the venue once and for all nor else Tia and Jerry are going to get married at their garages. " saying that he walked ahead.

I groaned "Fine." and walked in.

They had refurnished the decor from last time I was here. From ivory grey changed it to cream white with yellow lights around giving it a hypnotic vibe to it. I took my time in observing the place. How they had changed the stairs and the walls were cracking. The bar parlour had its leather table top blistered and old. This place really needs some renovation again.

I had lost Harry the moment we entered the house. It was big one and I did not bother looking for him, beside it was bit too much having me around and going through the this place at the same time.

Somewhere in the house some soft, lilting piano music with some feed cutting in was being played through the speakers which have turned ancient by now.

I sat down on the stairs recalling scenes from Aunt Lily's wedding, apart from Harry I real enjoyed the whole experience except when I left like that. Come to think of it, that was such a bitch move.

My stomach grumbled slightly reminding me I hadn't eaten for a while. I thought of looking for Harry and heading out because it was getting really late but before that I had to see the ballroom once. Especially after all that cake stories coming up in the past couple of days.

Unlike other houses where ballrooms are in the middle of the house structure, this place had it built on the other wing of the house. I was told that the builder had forgotten to incorporate the ballroom which had to built later. I walked into the huge open room with those familiar windows letting in some purple light. White tables arranged at the corner of the room in a neat line. Glancing that place over once, I walked out this time in search of Harry. I hadn't seen him since we'd entered this place.

Before going back the back door I suddenly noticed this narrow passageway between the staircase and the wall of the kitchen. How come I hadn't seen this before?

On the walls there were frames hanging with pictures of weddings held there put up. I looked over all the happy faces in the pictures, a line of frames holding the wedding group photo. While going through each one I finally came onto a picture which I did not even remember being clicked.

"Look, there's us. " I heard a voice.

I literally jumped out of skin
"Jesus Christ.. Harry. You scared me."

"Look at your hairstyle, goodness. " he laughed, when I looked back at the picture literally cringing at it.

There was Aunt Lilly and uncle William in the middle looking so happy and in love. Beside them was my mother standing, beaming with pride watching her baby sister getting married. Some relatives later standing was Harry's mum who was Aunt Lilly's best friend back then. And in front of the bride and groom are 2 teenagers slumping on the ground. It was me making the inverted peace sign with my tongue out and there was Harry who was looking at me laughing hysterically.

"What were we even doing? "

" I looked doped up "

I looked up at Harry ''Who said you still don't?"

Suddenly the little space that we were standing in seemed to close in and Harry seemed to stand really close. Was he always standing this near? Was there always this running electricity running?

He chuckled softly, "C'mon, I'm much better looking doped person now. Right?"

My eyes got fixed at his crinkling laugh, what is HAPPENING to me.

I quickly turned my face towards the picture when I felt him holding my cheek preventing my face to turn back.

"Hey Flu? You won't be mad right? "

What could I say?

I slowly put my hands on his shoulder and just looked at his lips saying,


"Just another place... "


*rubs hands together * Andddddd here we go ;)

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