Legal? (Prologue)

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"If you like to do the things, you know that we shouldn't do, baby I'm perfect.. "

21st September, 2005

"The bride and groom are so adorable!"

"I wanted a Martini not a Cosmopolitan. Change it. "

" The bride's dress is so tacky, I mean my 3rd marriage gown was better than that. "

" Baby, did you sit on a pile sugar? Cause you've got a sweet ass "

" Oh goodness! How you've grown. I had seen you when you used to wear red underwear to be superman. "

Different people, different topics are heard during the reception party of a newly wedded couple. The couple sits afar in their own bubble of love, the Best man tries to flirt with the Bride's sister. The bridesmaids clicking selfies of each posture they make.

In the hustle of everyone running to the bar and meeting their great aunts, if you notice carefully you might see a girl bored silly standing near her parents dragging along with them and rolling her eyes every moment.
There was a girl like that in this particular wedding also. She stood beside her smiling parents rolling her eyes behind their back. Scratching her fancy hairdo she looked around for something, anything interesting.

"Darling, go socialise! People are not going to come and talk. You have to go to them. " said her mother to her.

" Don't wanna " she yawned.

" Stop yawning like that. You're 19 years old, behave like one. "

"Uh-huh ."

The girl's mother glared at her daughter saying "Go get me a glass of champagne. Now go."

The girl walked towards the bar only to stop by the water cooler.

There stood a guy, in a tuxedo and a bowtie begging to be ripped. Guess the wedding wasn't that bad.

Checking her hair with her hands she walked towards the guy. Tall, long curly locks. She was already drooling.

"Hi there." she smiled as soon she reached him.

The boy who was glaring at his watch daring it to go fast looked upto to her skeptically. It wasn't everyday that girls came up and introduced themselves to him.

"Hey." he muttered.

"Boring party huh? " the girl asked fluttering her eyes.

Please don't be an underage guy she thought.

" Yeah. It's not that interesting " Harry groaned as soon as he heard his response. What the fuck am I talking about to a hot girl ? he wondered.

"Talking about interesting things wanna head upstairs?" she purred smiling shyly.

He felt like his would eyes pop out of his sockets. He nearly choked at his own spit "What?"

A hot girl wants to sleep with me? Is this even real? I smell of onions.

" You legal? "

" I'm 20" he scoffed feeling a bit miffed that she asked this question. He thought, I look underage?

Please don't be a virgin. The girl wished.

"Ever done this before? Like the deed?" the girl asked.

"Yeah. I've done this before "

Yes. A hot, legal, not a virgin guy. Hell. fucking. yes.

The walk upstairs was silent, but the guy spoke up suddenly.

"I don't have a condom."

The girl glared at him. "What decent guy doesn't carry a raincoat at weddings?"

He looked at her embarrassed and said "Um, so-uh, like this happening ?"

The girl signed loudly.

Damn you and your droolworthy face.

"Yeah. Just because you're too darn cute. Let's go."

" But.. " he started.

" We'll grab one from the bridegrooms room. "

The rest you can say is history.


I have no frickin clue about Christian weddings or reception parties. So pardon my bullshit x

Dedicated to @thisnegra for being my fellow bollywood fangirl and being awesome af :) 

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