Shut Up

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Recap :

Great " I heard her mutter as we reached our car. I looked around seeing twilight change into the inky black sky real quick.

" All this pleading and nothing! Couldn't you have researched before driving down all the way to this godforsaken place? "

I frowned at her attitude" It's not my fault that she didn't give the house, Flu. "

" Stop calling me that! My name is Fleur. Not Flu or whatever you try to call me. It's Flu - er. Get it?"

"Don't throw around your weight just because we did not get the place. I'm just as much as upset about it as you are. " I replied starting to get annoyed by her.

" Whatever. " she said sitting down into the car slamming the door shut.

" Whatever " I mimicked in a high nasal voice.

Sitting down I started the engine, only to have it die down upon me.

Fleur flicked her head towards me " Are you fucking serious? "

" Your attitude is not helping right now, Eastwood. " I said, trying to rev up the engine again.

" This is not happening with me today. Not happening. " I mumbled getting off the car opening the bonnet to check the machinery. But sadly I suck with mechanical stuff.

" Get out "

" What is wrong with you and your stupid car huh? "

" Does it look like I know? Stop screaming at me for fuck's sake. "

" You've got to be kidding me. " Fleur puffed walking in direction of the house.

" Where are you going? " I asked running behind to catch up.

" Hell. " she replied.

Deciding it was useless to talk with her in her bitchy mode we walked back to the house and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal the old lady " Yes? Oh. I told you I'm sorry I can't giv- "

" Is there a mechanic nearby? " Fleur interrupted not in mood to be any polite.

" No that I know of. But Paul is very good with machines. He can help. "

" Where can we find this Paul? " I asked.

" Not now. He comes early in the morning to deliver vegetables here. You could ask him then. "

" We need someone now! Where are we supposed to be till night, in this cold? " said Fleur.

She turned towards me poking her index finger at my chest saying " This is all your fault, you moron. "

" My fault? It was you - "

" Oh shut up will you? "

" You're such a bitch "

" That's the best you could come up with sissy? "

Before I could reply the old lady broke in saying " You could stay here for the night. There are plenty of rooms. Come on in, I was just setting the table. "

I'm not going back there again today.

" Is there no where we could get Paul? Do you know cars? " Fleur tried again.

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