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Noami's POV

I haven't been in a good place since yesterday. After finding out that Ja'Von took the one thing that made me whole. A knock on the door came and I went to open it finding that it was Ken.

"I am so sorry." he said bringing me into a hug.

"Yeah, me too."

We went to sit in the living room were Macy and Stacy were at and contemplated on where Ja'Von and Tyrone can be.

"So, have you called Tray?" Ken asked.

"And say what! I didn't do what you told me to do now our child is in danger?" I asked.

"No, but tell him that he's missing so he can come and at least help find him."

"Yeah, I wish he was that easy. But he's going to want answers and I just can't do it right now."

"Do what? Having the father of your child help find y'all baby?" he questioned

"Ken, I can't! He's going to kill me because I didn't listen to him! Now his son is out there with this dude and only Lord knows what he's doing to him!" I yelled.

"But he's going to help and get your child back "

"Yeah and going to want him to go back to Louisiana with him because I'm irresponsible." I stated.

"Noami, you can't think about that right now. You have to think about getting Tyrone back and finding him." Macy said coming up and hugging me.

"This is just all too much! He's going to want to take him back with him and then try and get full custody." I said crying into Macy's chest.

"I'm such a bad mom." I added.

"No, you're not a bad mom." they all said.

I continued crying and then my phone started to ring. I looked to find that is was Tray once again. He talks to Tyrone every night and last night he didn't. So he probably think something is wrong, which it is.

"Have you answered at least once?" Ken asked


"So, he's going to keep calling and you're not going to answer." he stated

"Don't have any words at the moment."

"I'm trying to figure out, why would he do something like this?" Macy asked

"Because he's a b*tch axs n*gga." Ken said.

"Um, the other day as I was getting my gym membership I saw him." I stated.

"Did he put his hands on you again?" Ken asked furious.

"Actually, he had intentions on getting some." I said.

"What the fck you mean?"

"Meaning, he was choking me and pulling at my pants and things like that. Saying 'I've waited two years and never got any' 'imma get some' you know things like that."

"Basically, he was trying rape you." Stacy stated.

"Yeah. He was but I fought him and then got in my car running over his foot. But I didn't think he'll go as far as to steal Tyrone." I said.

"Now that's fcked up." Macy said.

My phone started to ring again, knew that it was Tray and Ken picked it up.

"Ken, what the fck you doing?" I asked.

"Aye yo Tray, there's some sh*t going on that you dont know about!" he said.

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