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Diamond's POV

I woke up this morning and today is suppose to be the day that the Mr. and I go to counseling.

"Morning." Rodney said coming in the bathroom.

"Morning." I said dryly.

"Are you ready for today?" he asked

"Its whatever." I stated.

"See, that's why we need this." he said.

"No, this is why you need to just stop what you doing." I said leaving out the bathroom.

"No, you need to just drop the attitude." hr stated.

"Don't have one." I said going into the closet.

"You know I'm glad we're going on this trip with Noami and Tray because you need to talk to someone about your little attitude and I need some drinks." he stated.

"Yeah, you know we should be more like Tray and Noami. Don't be a bullsh*ter! And stop cheating on me because we're married." I said.

"And you don't think Tray's cheating on Noami? You out your mind he's a guy and a ring its going to stop him." he said.

"Glad to know you feel that way." I said coming out the closet.


"I'll be in the car." I said leaving out the room.

I grabbed my keys and phone and went in my own car because I really don't want to be around him. As I was on my way I decided to call up my cousin.

"Hello?" Noami answered.

"Hey baby."

"Wassup homie." she said.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Packing. Well, at least trying to."

"Why trying?"

"Tray is out getting some stuff and I'm still trying to figure out this damn house. And Tyrone running around with Sophie and Jack."

"Sophie and Jack?" I questioned.

"Sophie is the puppy that Tray bought when we moved back and Jack is the turtle that Tray got for Tyrone." she stated.

"Ugh, he is so good to y'all."

"He ain't perfect I'll tell you that. But enough about me, what's up with you?"

"Nothing just going out and I'll have to call you back Rodney's calling." I stated.

"Alright, ttyl."

"Ttyl." I said hanging up.

Rodney was calling but I didn't answer the phone. And Noami doesn't know about Rodney and I having troubles or even him hitting on me. The only one who does know is Crystal and she promised she wouldn't tell her. I know she'll go crazy.

I pulled up at the counselor's office and got out and went inside. But I had to wait on Rodney. When he did make his way here, he looked kinda mad which made me laugh.

"Its about time." I said getting up.

"Diamond, that sh*t was not cool!" he whispered.

"You're not cool." I said.

"Yeah, whatever."

We went in the counselor's office and took a sit. Then the man came in with a woman.

"Welcome to the marriage counsel." the guy stated.

"I am Junior Kyle & this is my wife Trisha Kyle."

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