Chapter 14 - Roommates Are Useless

Start from the beginning

"Nabi-ah!" She pulled her phone away from her ears as President Yang's loud voice boomed from the other end. "How dare you leave your work here! There is a class waiting for you and you left them. What are you doing?" He scolded.

Nabi pouted since she has never been yelled at by her uncle. "I'm sorry uncle. I went to go and see Jiyong in the studio today. When I heard he hadn't showed up to work due to being ill, I had to check up on him. When I did, I didnt expect him to look this bad." She explained. "Do you mind if I take care of him until he gets better?"

President Yang shook his head. "Nabi-ah, you need to call ahead of time. I'll send the kids to practice in the studio." He was mad that she was skipping out on work, but operation Ji-Na was starting to show progress and he wasn't about to stop progress.

Nabi smiled. "Thank you uncle. You're the best."

After hanging up with President Yang, she started packing food into a small lunch bag So she could prepare soup for Kwon Jiyong. She didn't understand why she was going overboard with Kwon Jiyong being sick. Everyone got sick but, she was going out of her way and doing stuff she didn't even do for Joo Won. Stuff like running from YG Entertainment to the dorm building or running to the elevator to get food to feed Kwon Jiyong. It had something to do with running. She hated it, even if she was good at it. She got over it as she gripped the bag's handle and made her way to the front door where she slipped off her house slippers and slipped back on her shoes. She rushed to the elevators and smiled as an elder artist stepped out of the elevator. She quickly got in, pressing the floor to Big Bang's dorm. She waited impatiently as the elevator slowly took the big metal box down. She was out the moment the metal doors slid open. She ran down the empty hall and stopped before Big Bang's dorm and opened the door she had left cracked open.

Nabi slowly walked in, making sure nobody was inside. By 'nobody', she meant the other Big Bang members. She wasn't sure how often they came to the dorm to stay during their off time but she wanted to make sure. After getting the clear from the silent appmosphere that rang throughout the dorm. Nabi walked into the kitchen and placed the bag of food on the island's marble counter top. She left the bag there as she went to check on Kwon Jiyong in his room. She walked to his room and walked in as if she was comfortable walking around a man's house. She could easily see Kwon Jiyong's sleeping figure, laying in the same position she had left him in.

Nabi sighed in content and left his room. She walked into the kitchen and took the ingredients she packed in the bag, placing them on the smooth counter. Then she went on a search for tools to help cook the soup. She smiled happily to see that they at least had pots, pans, utensils, and a cutting board. She happily pulled out a pot as well as the cutting board. She began cutting the vegetables into small slices and placed them into a bowl separate from the crowded counter space. She moved onto working on the chicken. She started cutting them into good size chunks. It wasn't long before she was adding the chunks of chicken into her homemade chicken broth. Her mom had taught her well on how to cook, so she was able to handle making dishes on her own. The only problem was that she was too lazy and had no motivation to cook meals like this for herself. She was alright with ramyeon every night.

Soon, the house smelt like food and even Nabi was getting hungry because of it. Scooping the soup into a bowl and scooping rice into another, she placed all the bowls onto a tray. She then went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, placing it on the tray as well. She carried the tray to Kwon Jiyong's room where she used her foot to kick the door open. She walked in and placed the tray on the side table. She lightly shook his body, feeling the heat from his fever under her touch. He groaned at being bothered from his aching body. When his eyes fluttered open, he Was shocked to see Nabi sitting next his bed with her big button eyes looking down at him.

"Nabi-ssi?" He said in a confused tone. "What are you doing here? How did you get in here?"He asked in a thick raspy tone that seemed to be from him being too weak to speak.

"I heard from one of the composers that you hadn't been able to come into work due to you being ill. What happened?" Nabi asked. "Did you eat something bad?"

Kwon Jiyong shook his head. "I'm not sure. I woke up sweating in the middle of the night. Then puked in the bathroom. Sorry, I shouldn't go into details with you." He said with a low tone.

Nabi smiled. "It's okay." She turned and picked up the bowl of soup. "I've made you food. You are probably dehydrated since you've been resting without drinking or eating properly." Nabi smiled. "Sit up please."

"I can feed myself." He said groaning as he sat himself up.

Nabi tsked. "All you have to do is eat. Don't do anything else."

Nabi gripped the thin metal between her fingers and scooped the soup with veggies and chicken, and placed it in front of Kwon Jiyong's mouth. He finally gave in and took the spoon between his mouth. He could almost melt from how tasty the soup was. He stared at Nabi as she scooped rice and did the same thing she did with the soup. As she continued to scoop small portions of food into Kwon Jiyong's mouth, he continued to watch her carefully. He didn't expect anyone to come, especially not Nabi. He didn't want to let his mom worry over him, so he didn't call her knowing she always worried over his health. He also couldn't tell the other members since they would just call his mom anyway. He had only told Teddy and President Yang about being ill since he was missing days for work. Seeing Nabi in his dorm did surprise him. She was the last person he expected to help nurse him back to normal. He honestly didn't need it but he wasn't about to argue about a pretty girl hand feeding him back to normal. He didn't even remember opening the door for her.

"Kwon Jiyong!" Nabi said loudly, breaking all of his deep thoughts. "Did you hear anything I asked?" she questioned.

"Yes, Yes I did." He lied.

Nabi sighed. "Alright, is it going to be yes or no?" She asked with a knowing smile.

"Okay, I didn't hear anything you said." He said truthfully.

The last time he blanked out during a conversation was during an award show and Seungri had asked if they could switch rooms in the dorms because he couldn't sleep good in the morning due to Daesung. Every morning Daesung would wake up and play the drums without any thought of the other bandmates and their rest. When Seungri asked Kwon Jiyong If It was going to be a yes or no, Kwon Jiyong just replied with a sure. Now, he would never agree to something without knowing what it was. It took three months to install soundproof walls in Daesung's room. No sleep was made in Kwon Jiyong's new room for those three months.

Nabi sighed but had a small smile on her lips. "I asked if you had already taken medicine." She repeated.

Kwon Jiyong nodded. "Yeah. I did."

Nabi nodded. "Alright. I'll pack up the rest of the soup into the fridge. Since you guys have absolutely nothing. It's best if you get some rest." Nabi stood up and was ready to go but Kwon Jiyong took hold of her wrist, stopping her in her place. "Did you need anything else?" Nabi asked innocently.

Kwon Jiyong smiled sincerely. "Thank you. Even if you didn't have to do this, you still did."

Nabi smiled a breathtaking smile. "Of course. I don't need to be asked to do something if it involves you."

With that she left the room with the tray in her hand, leaving Kwon Jiyong to fall asleep. He felt much better after eating the soup. He couldn't thank Nabi enough. Which was his last thought as he fell asleep.

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