She rolled her eyes before thanking me and taking a gulp of my Sprite. How am I going to deal with the two of them tonight?

"So..." Luke trailed off, looking around the table as if expecting somebody to start a conversation.

"Whats it like having millions of girls obsess with you?" Ayden prompted, gazing at the boys while taking a bite of his pasta.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I scoffed. He shrugged his shoulders then shot a wink towards me.

"It's weird. We still haven't gotten use to it!" Zayn exclaimed, chuckling at the end.

"Your pasta, your highness." Addie bowed, placing the pasta in front of me.

"Why thank you. Now be gone peasant." I waved her off which she replied with a smack to my head. I glared at her before glancing at Ally.

"Don't spit anything at me." I warned her, pointing my fork.

"Trust me, it wont be you who I will be spitting at." She smirked.

"Oh yeah? Would you enlighten us on who you plan to spit on?" Addie snapped,glaring at her with hard eyes.

"Listen you little bit-"

"Okay!" I exclaimed, stopping Ally from continuing her sentence. "How about you two shut up or Ill make you lick each others faces."

"Ew, okay that's gross." Addie gagged.

"Whatever," Ally muttered. I pondered slamming my face into my pasta multiple times, but that would just be wasting food. Zayn rubbed my back while I rubbed my temple, trying to relax and not get frustrated. I knew tonight was going to be a million times worse considering Addie has some nasty tricks up her sleeves that she has been dying to use.

Fortunately, Addie and Ally avoided each other throughout the meal. I couldn't have been more grateful. Sarcastic remarks and snide comments were often thrown.on table but it seemed that was how we bonded. I was glad to see Luke and Ayden bond closely as well as with the boys of One Direction. If Ally wasn't here, I probably wouldn't have felt as tense as I was. I mean would you be relax if two girls hated each other and were at one table. I expected one of them (Addie) to strangle the other (Ally) and claw out their throat. Luckily, none of that happened.

After giving each boy a hug (and slipping a piece of ice down Louis' shirt), I collapsed on the couch, closing my eyes, leaving Addie to close the door. Ally had disappeared to Narnia and I was thankful for this quiet atmosphere that would be ruined in ten minutes or so.

I hear shuffling near me and I peeked on eyelid open. Addie slowly walked towards me, a faint smile playing on her lips. I scrunched my eyebrows at her as she continued to shuffle until she too sat on the couch, to me.

"I'm going on a breakfast date," She whispered, the smile still on her lips.

"Breakfast is over," I replied, using sarcasm as my only barrier for me not to sound confused.

Her small smile turned into a full out grin. She seemed to be in a giddy mood which deflected my sarcasm. Well that's not fair. My sarcasm is to affect people, not to be ignored by them!

"I'm going on a breakfast date tomorrow." She let out a breath, twisting her hair.

"Who in their right mind would ask you out? You're not talking about the mailman again are you? Addie I told you, he just says good morning out of generosity, not because he wants to date you," I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Ayden," She whispered with a shy smile.

This caught my attention.

"Oh my goodness! What time is he coming? This is the one time I will ever wake up before seven!" I jumped in joy, grasping her wrist and flinging them up and down.

She grinned in response, her eyes bright blue. It should be impossible for her eyes to be that blue, but they were; shining like a bright blue ocean on a sunny day.

"I don't know why he would want to go out with you." A high pitched voice came from behind us.

"I'm in too of a good mood for you to mess with me, princess." Addie grinned, not letting Allys scowl faze her.

"I thought he was taken. If I would've known I would've grabbed him right up the second I walked in." She rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall while picking her nails.

"Ally," I warned her.

"I'm in a good mood. I'm in a good mood," Addie repeated to herself, letting out a humorless chuckle while pushing past Ally.

"Come on, we're going to watch movies in my room and could you maybe keep your comments to yourself?" I asked her, pleading her with my eyes. She rolled her eyes as if saying she wasn't going to hurt Addie. That was definitely not what I was afraid of. I was afraid of Addie losing her temper quick and snapping.

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