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Zayn’s POV

I have gathered my friends and family to dinner for my big announcement. I haven’t told them about my enlisting in the Navy Seals yet. I feel the nerves build up as the dinner begins. My parents are across from me and Reese, my girlfriend since eighth grade, and my three sisters. A few of my good friends are there as well, everyone oblivious to my news for them. I stand from my chair and tap my glass with a spoon to gain everyone’s attention.

“Hello. I’m sure you all are wondering why I called for this dinner.”

“Way to sound professional Zayn.” My best mate Louis laughs and I roll my eyes.

“Anyway. I have something to tell you all.”

“Oh my god is Reese pregnant!” My younger sister Waliyah screams and Reese spits her food out shaking her head.

“I promise you I am not pregnant.” The table burst into laughter and I have to tap my glass again to gain everyone’s attention once again.

“Again my big news. I enlisted in the Army. Well the Navy Seals to be exact.” I give a smile to my closest family and friends and take in their shocked and angered expressions.

“You... you what?” My father asks standing from the table.

“I enlisted in the Navy dad.” I watch my father try to find the words to say but he sighs instead.

“What is done is done. I accept your decision Zayn.” My mother nods and so does everyone else at the table except Reese.

“Well I don’t accept your decision Zayn.” Reese stands and storms out the front door. I quickly follow her and grab her arm turning her to face me. She has tears running down her face and I use my thumb to wipe them away.

“Please Reese...”

“Why didn’t you tell me Zayn? I mean I understand you wanting to wait to tell your family, I do, but why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew how you would respond and I knew you would talk me out of it.”

“You’re damn straight I would have talked you out of it. You enlisted in the Navy Zayn. You’re leaving me for a war. Why wouldn’t i talk you out of it?” She retracts her hand from mine and walks away from me. I keep a steady pace behind her before standing in front of her.

“You know I love you Reese. I have always loved you and will always love you. No matter what. So please support me in this.”

“When do you leave?”

“Two days after graduation.” Her eyes widen and she fights back the tears that are threatening to escape.

“That’s in two weeks Zayn.” She whispers this and I nod.

“I know. That’s why I need you to be here with me now more than ever. So please.” She sighs once again before nodding and taking my hands in hers.

“I love you Zayn Malik. I will always love you, So I will wait for you and I will be here when you get back from your term.” She smiles and I pull her into a long embrace neither one of us wanting it to end. She pulls away planting a sweet kiss on my lips and I smile into it, glad my girlfriend is supporting me in my choice.

-Two Weeks Later-

I’m at the airport with my family and Reese. It’s my last day here at home and I’m nervous but excited for what my future will hold for me. I give my family multiple hugs and kisses before going to Reese who is wiping her tears away.

“Hey. I’ll be back before you know it.” She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.

“I want you to stay safe Zayn. Ok? I need you to stay safe. You have my heart and if anything happens to you then I will be affected just as much as you are. So please stay safe and come home to me as soon as you can. Please.” I nod in her embrace letting the tears finally fall from my own eyes.

“I promise you I will be back for you. I love you Reese.”I pull her lips to mine and they move in sync. We both know this will be our last time like this for a while so we want to make it last as long as possible.

My flight is called and I have to depart from my family and girlfriend and leave them for however long my term is. This is my life now and I have to get adjusted to it. I just hope and pray Reese will be able to adjust to it as well.

Forever and Always (A Zayn Malik FanFiction AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat