Chapter Ten

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Zayn’s POV

Things with Reese and I are going amazing. Our fighting has cut down drastically and I’m still doing my sessions with Clara. Life couldn’t get any better. Actually it could. There’s something that I really need to do. I think I’ve always known I’ve needed this, but now this decision is crystal. I leave our place and head to my session with Clara.

“Hello Zayn.”

“Clara.” I respond with a large grin.

“What’s got you so happy?”

“You know when you realize something so grand that everything else just makes sense?”

“Are you feeling alright Zayn?”

“I’m feeling better than alright! I’m feeling amazing! I haven’t had a bad dream in weeks, Reese and I don’t argue anymore, and our sex has been mind blowing!” I exclaim and Clara laughs. “That last bit was a little too much wasn’t it?”

“Just a little bit. But I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. I really love her you know.” I smile widely and she nods.

“I know you do. Just like I know how she really loves you.”

“Is this session over?”

“Do you want it to be over?”

“Yeah. But not because I’m not having fun talking to you about my sex life, I just have some things I need to plan.” We both laugh and Clara nods showing that our session is done.

“You take care Zayn. I’ll see you... In two weeks.”

“Wait what?”

“I want to see if you will have this same attitude in two weeks alright. Tell Reese I said hello.”

“Alright. Bye.”

I leave the office and make my way to the auto shop. I know Louis has been swamped with cars lately, but I really need his help. When I get there and explain to him my plan he wraps me into a tight hug.

“It’s about fucking time!” He hits my back and I laugh.

“Yeah I know. So what do you think?”

“I think the idea is fantastic, but you do know you’re kind of missing a big component.”

“What do you... Oh yeah.” I rub the back of my neck and Lou laughs.

“Here take the day off. Go get what you need and then call me tomorrow yeah?”

"Are you sure? It's really busy and..."

"Yes I'm sure now go before I change my fucking mind!" Louis grins and I pull him into another hug.

“Thanks Lou!”

“No problem now go! I have cars to fix.”

I leave the Auto Shop and make one last stop before going home. I really hope she likes it. When I finally reach home I clean up the entire house. I wash dirty clothes and fix up the living room. It’s sparkling clean in the house. I begin cooking dinner and setting up for the night. I found some candles and place them on the dining room table, that I covered with a nice tablecloth that I bought earlier. I take the rose petals I got and line them along the walkway from the front door to the dining room.

I finish cooking dinner and decide to get myself ready. I dress myself in a nice black suit and style my hair the way I used to back in high school. I fix up my tie and make my way back to the kitchen to set the food on the plates and bring the plates to the table. I get the glasses and fill them with wine. I look over everything once more and smile at my work. Just as I go to take my seat I hear the front door open. Here goes nothing.

Reese’s POV

I walk into my place and see rose petals lined up along the walkway. My mouth hangs open as I take in the scene in front of me. There are candles everywhere adding to the dim lighting in the loft. I can smell food as I keep walking, following where the roses take me. And then I stop dead in my tracks. There’s Zayn.

Looking sexier than ever, with his black hair styled in a quiff and topping it off with wearing a black suit. It takes all my power to not jump him right there, but I collect myself and step in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck.

“What is all this for?”

“I just wanted to do something special for you. Do you like it?” He asks, a look of nervousness flickering in his golden eyes for a brief second.

“Like it? I love it! Thank you.” I smile kissing his lips and forcing myself to break the kiss before things get too heated.

“You’re welcome. Here.” Zayn pulls out my chair and scoots in back in once I’m seated.

He gives me a smile before taking his across from me. We begin eating with small talk filling the room. I can tell he is nervous by the way he’s tapping his fingers on his wine glass. I shrug it off not wanting to hammer him with questions that could ruin the night. He smiles and laughs at everything I say but I can tell there’s something on his mind.

“Reese how long have we known each other?”

“Since we were born.” Literally. Our parents were neighbors and our moms got pregnant at the same time and first came Zayn and I was a month after. “Why?”

I watch as Zayn takes another sip from his wine before standing from his chair. He walks over to me with a grin on his lips and I return it just loving his smile. He gets closer to me and my breath hitches when I see him drop to one knee.

“Reese you know I love you. You mean the absolute world to me and I mean that. I have no idea where I would be right now if it wasn’t for you. You make everything in my life better. You make me better. So will you let me make you the happiest woman in the world and be my wife?” Zayn smiles and opens the little red box that I didn’t even see him pull out revealing a gorgeous diamond ring.


(A/N I know cliffhanger!! Ahah!! Love You all!!!!!! Xx)

Forever and Always (A Zayn Malik FanFiction AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu