Chapter 39

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"Madison. You have to tell me who your dad is." He said slowly.
"Adam Mirkoff, I changed my last name to be my grandmothers maiden name."
Luke stretched over to the side of the road.
"SHIT!" He yelled.
"This is all my fault!" He yelled again.
"What is?!"
"This Madison. Your dad is my boss. He's been paying me to do his dirty work. To go give out the drugs. To kill off the men who don't pay..... To kill you."
My heart dropped and my mouth went dry.
"Why does he want me dead?"
"He said you were the reason his wife left him he wanted revenge. I just didn't realize I'd end up falling for you and now he said I'll be killed off if I don't kill you off."
Tears formed in both of our eyes as Like revealed the truth of what he has buried for the few months I've been with him.
An idiotic yet genius idea struck my mind once his first tear fell.
"We fake our deaths."
"We fake our deaths, get one of the private jets act like we got on it, something bad happens it blows up in the air, there were no survivors and body parts weren't found. We go into hiding forever or at least till my dads dead."
"You're absolutely insane and a genius." He said before kissing me quickly and taking off again this time heading to a familiar road.
The safe house.

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