Not an update

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I think it's time for us to have a little talk. Not as in the talk about the birds and the bees (which I'll be happy to discuss with my nine year old readers that I've seen voting on my books. It's easy to say I'm horrified like y'all are babies still), but as in the talk where if you're a keen reader, it's not one you want to hear.
As I am sure you have all noticed, my updates are all over the place. Not only that, but so is the story. I feel like I'm not capturing the plot line the way I'm imagined it to be, and the characters just aren't developed. For example, Luke's sweet then next minute he's an absolute Donkey hole. The process was too fast I think and I'm trying to figure out ways to make them sound realistic if you will.
For reasons like this, I'm not enjoying writing this book. It feels like a job, for example. Imagine going to work at the supermarket every day. You're going to dread it bc that's bloody boring. That's what it's like for me writing this book.
So without further ado, I'm announcing that this book will be put on hold until further inspiration appears. There will be the odd update when I can find the words, but honestly, don't get your hopes up.
Also, another reason for not continuing is due to issues in my life right now. I have school, friends, dying people, driving lessons and boys to deal with which take priority over wattpad.
I am sorry to those who were really enjoying this story, although I doubt there were many as there's barely any readers anyway. I'm lucky to get twenty, which in my opinion shows how terrible this is going.
On the positive side, I have a Michael fanfic coming out soon. It's one that's going to be touching on important issues on the health side of things, and I'm really excited for you guys to read the first chapter and give me some feedback. It's also going to be quite controversial, lightly inspired by a book I read here on wattpad called The Curves Ahead. It's in my recommended reading list and I highly highly highly recommend it I love it.
Love you all,
- bubblegumluke
Ps. Any q & a's can be posted on my wall and in my messages. OR contact me on Twitter cakeargh by asking me to follow you and we can pm :)

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