Chapter 8

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"So how was date night with Luke?"

"Alright, I guess"

I continued to wipe the table that an old couple had been sitting at. I was at the cafe I worked at, and Sarah had decided to pop in to quiz me on my date with Luke. Thankfully, because it wasn't either nine in the morning, lunch time or three in the afternoon, business was rather quiet, meaning I could discuss what had happened with my best friend.

"Alright? Is that all you have to say?" She shook her head. "I know you too well. You're lying"

"True" I sprayed a little detergent onto the wooden top of the table.

She glared at me.

"It was amazing" I started. "He took me to the movies, which turned out to be a romance film which got really awkward. We talked about our feelings then went to Maccas for dinner, and he dropped me off at home. The end"

Sarah looked disappointed. "That's not what I call amazing. That's what I call boring"

I sighed. "That is because your idea of amazing is a five star restaurant and meeting the parents"

A man in a suit walked through the doors. His eyes had a straight line towards Sarah's boobs. She made no effort to do anything about it, instead reached out and began to flick through the magazine that was set out in front of her. Because there were no other staff in the building due to them being on break, I hurried to behind the counter and put on my best smile. He ordered a flat white, said his name was Bradley, and then stood to the side whilst I wrote his name on a cup and made his hot drink. I tried to avoid Sarah's eyes as I did so, for I would laugh if I did.

"Here you go, Sir. That will be four dollars fifty" I told him when the drink was done, and placed it on the counter top.

He dropped a five in coins, and then took the drink, saying something about keeping the change. When he walked through the doors and was definitely out of earshot, Sarah burst into her loud laughter which filled the shop. I smirked as I put the money on the cash register.

"He looked at my boobs" She stated, then laughed again. "You're so lucky that you have small boobs. You don't have guys looking at you like you're an animal"

"You say that like it's a bad thing I frowned now.

"I'm just saying that I like having big boobs. It means that I can feel wanted once in a while when some guy decides to take a peak. On the other hand, you don't have to carry around loads of weight and be worried about strange guys wanting a piece of you because they see big boobs as a jackpot"

I nodded, not really sure what to say. I had always found that my small boobs were my worst asset. The fact that I was a tiny B cup and many girls my age had a comfortable C or D cup made me feel insecure, because what sort of guy would want a girl with non-existing boobs? And plus, many people made fun of girls that had nothing on their chest, saying that they had the body of a twelve year old. Singers that I had looked up to over the years such as Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift had been bullied due to the lack of size of their boobs, which always made me feel nervous talking about that subject.

"Anyway, back to the subject of Luke. Do you think you're going to go on another date with him?"

"I'd like to think so" I told her shyly. "We kissed when he dropped me off"

Sarah's jaw fell. "What happened to no kissing on first dates? He obviously likes you, Dylan! Was there tongue? Or was it just a peck on the lips? Did you guys get really heated? Was it at your front door? Oh my God, he pushed you against the door and you guys made out. Am I right, or am I right?"

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