Chapter 2

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It was day two of University and I was incredibly bored out of my mind just like the day before. Except this time I wasn't in the hall but in my first ever class of my course. I had big plans to become a teacher, preferably a high school English teacher. English was my passion, and I had always loved helping out with others in my classes at high school who couldn't figure out how to do that algebra question or finish off the conclusion to that essay that was about the Leonardo Dicaprio version of Romeo and Juliet in which all the girls only concentrated on the one and only Leo for obvious reasons. Through this, I had decided to put two and two together and become an English teacher, giving me a good reason to actually enjoy my job.

The professor who stood alone in front of me and had introduced herself as Professor Turnbell but Just-Call-Me-Ann talked about how poetry was so overrated. My jaw had dropped the instant she'd dropped the bombshell of a statement. I declared then that currently, she wasn't really worth listening to.

Poetry was definitely my favourite part of the English literature. I was never really sure what it was that made me like it, could never place my finger on it. There was just something about the stories that were shared through the writing that I loved. The way that people poured their hearts and souls into a poem to make you feel something. It annoyed me to the maximum when poetry was ruined for the younger generations though. Throughout our schooling we were given a topic to write a poem as the teacher just wants to get the whole thing over and done with. I completely disagreed with the way they took it. I felt it was better for students to choose their topic so that their writing was more passionate due to the poem being about something one was interested in.

"Girl, stop looking at the poster. I get you're attracted to his good looks but give the poor guy a break. I bet he's sick of being stared at all day long!" The weird professor barked at a petite young girl with her blonde hair pulled into a tidy ponytail. She looked baffled but she straightened up and drew her eyes away from the large Joe Jonas poster that was stuck to the wall behind the teacher's desk. "Have any of you heard of manners? When one is talking you listen"

But we all knew what the real question was. What on earth was a blown up image of Joe Jonas doing in a class designed for English literature classes?

"And you're all going to have to pull your socks up in this class. This isn't like high school anymore. This is the real world. I expect you all here at our next lesson whenever that is..." Just-Call-Me-Ann trailed off, and her green witch like eyes ran over my class. "Well out you all go. I need a coffee"

Judging by the rate of the students racing out the door I guessed that she had scared them all. I mean, what sort of professor tells you to call her by her first name, says that poetry is a waste of time in an English course and blasts Katy Perry's California Girls at top volume at the start of the lesson? A crazy one maybe?

I took my time escaping the room, not feeling any hurry to leave for I had nothing else planned for my day. I had a few ideas on what I wanted to do. Those ideas were mainly based around food, sleep and tumblr scrolling.

My legs brought me to the hub, otherwise known as the most social area of the university. I propped myself down on one of the couches that were supplied and brought out my phone in preparation for my idea of mindlessly scrolling tumblr. I figured that my friend Sarah would be out of her class soon enough. Surely enough, she'd spot me and we'd go and grab sushi somewhere nearby.

Sarah was definitely my best friend by far. I wasn't sure how we managed to become friends for, well, she was mature, brave, confident, and smart. So smart that she was actually studying to become a surgical nurse. Damn her and her big brain. She also happened to be the only one in our small group of friends who had a boyfriend. Gorgeous, stunning Sarah managed to snap up Ben Marton, one of the so-called players of our year back in high school who was known for sleeping around despite being in a relationship. How she had got him to stop those days I had no idea. They'd been going steady for over a year now.

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