Chapter 10

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When my mum got whiff of me going out with a boy, she thought it would be a great idea for me to bring him home for dinner on a Sunday night for her and step-dad Tim to meet. I had to thank Sarah for that, as she just really wanted to discuss that taboo topic around my mother of all people. After being my best friend for only God knows for how long, I would've thought that she would've avoided such discussion.

The conversation went a little something like this:

"So sweetheart, who's this Luke boy that I heard you and Sarah talking about?"

"No one you know, mum. He's some dude who goes to the same University as us"

"And you've been talking to him?"

Cue the awkward silence here.


"And you're going out on dates?"

"We've only been on one date, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. We aren't girlfriend and boyfriend if that's what you're wondering, and I highly doubt that I'll ever manage to get to that stage with him"

"Nonsense, Dylan. You've finally got yourself a boyfriend and you didn't even tell your own mother! You're going to be bringing him over this Sunday for Tim and me to meet. No excuses"

I was incredibly reluctant to have Luke meet my mum. She could be notably weird sometimes, and in addition, she'd make him feel undoubtedly uncomfortable. There were times when she even made me cringe. To put it in the most simplest of words, I was terrified for what was going to happen.

Luke, on the other hand, was excited to come into my home, sit at the dinner table and discuss with my mother topics ranging from how his chosen major wasn't a smart idea to how many kids he wanted with me. I didn't tell him that this was going to happen though, instead just warned him to be prepared for a night he'd never forget. He had then said some cute words that were on the lines of "Of course I'll never forget this night because it's going to be the start of a wonderful friendship with your mum" which made me nearly fall off my bed.

He really did not have any idea.

It started off with him knocking on the door. I shot a glare at my mum who was making some salad that she found on the internet before I answered it. I knew she was going to mess this up, but it was whether or not she did it big time or small time. I was praying for the second option. My heart pounded as my hand reached for the door handle and slowly turned the knob. Outside was a tall, stunning blonde with a lip ring, looking like a top male model. He made me want to drool.

"Hi!" I smiled brightly, and then stood to the side. "Welcome to hell, otherwise known as home for me"

He laughed a little. "I'm sure it's not that bad"

"Next joke please" I shut the door behind him as he stepped into the mildly warm house. My eyes trailed down to the pale blue dress I was wearing, and I fought every urge to tug at it. The length seemed too short; although Sarah and mum had assured me it was perfect length. Hearing that from my mum was a surprise, considering that the idea of buying me plenty of pairs of shorts that half your backside fell out was a hobby of hers.

When he had kicked off his converse, I quickly grabbed his hand, completely trying to ignore the fact that he was possibly feeling grossed out at the touch of my own sweaty hand. I dragged him past the kitchen in avoidance of my mum, and brought him into the lounge. We sat down on one of the couches and I flicked on the TV. There wasn't much on besides Home and Away, but I felt that it would be fine to watch if it meant that we weren't in contact with the mad woman in the kitchen. Luke's arm was looped over my shoulders casually, his legs crossed, one foot at the knee and a hand placed on top.

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