Chapter 15

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I took a deep breath of the air surrounding us and knocked on the glass door that stood in its hinges before me three times. I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching closer to us, see the tall figure with grey hair walking down the hallway. Luke shifted his weight from foot to foot beside me, and his hand ran through his quiff which caused it to become slightly messy.

The door opened, and the figure with grey hair smiled at us. He had wrinkles forming in the creases of his skin, grey eyes and a posture that appeared to slouch forward. His fashion sense was average, only wearing a pair of jeans that should've been thrown out ages ago due to how faded they were and some quicksilver shirt. A watch was tightly fastened to his wrist. He looked like your typical forty year old man who was widowed and didn't plan to ever date or marry again.

"Hello" He drawled out the o. "I wasn't expecting visitors"

"It was a little on the spot thinking, dad" I told him. "But I thought it would be good for you to meet Luke. He's my boyfriend, and it'd be appreciated if you could get along with him, make him feel at home if you get what I'm saying"

"How about you two come inside then and allow me to speak to Luke. I'm Nick, but I prefer Sir" My dad continued to smile, expressing how he thought it was funny that I had finally brought a boy to meet him. I knew he was going to take the opportunity to tease both of us, but I didn't mind. He wouldn't do anything that was going to do any harm to our relationship, unlike disaster that occurred like last time with trying to introduce Luke to my parents.

"Ah, sure Sir" Luke nodded, and began to kick his shoes off.

I quickly told him not to, for his shoes were clean, and my dad didn't really mind about wearing shoes inside as long as they weren't covered in dirt or things like that. We strolled in, following my dad to the kitchen.

The walls inside were all the same colour; cold depressing grey with a touch of blue that reminded you of rain in England. Among them hung a few pictures here and there which mainly consisted of me and my brothers. The floors were clean caramel wood. It was odd combination, but it worked. The place smelt of coffee, and sure enough, there was a cup of coffee on the kitchen bench which still had steam flying off it.

Dad offered us a hot drink. I asked for tea, two sugars, and Luke asked for a coffee with one sugar and milk. While he poured hot water into our cups and added our variation of orders, he took the opportunity to question my boyfriend. He asked him about how long we had been dating for, what his plans in the future were, and if he liked cricket – my dad loved watching and playing cricket. Dad didn't seem unimpressed when Luke told him that he was unsure about the future, but knew that he wanted to do something with music. I got the feeling that my dad liked Luke.

The entire time Luke addressed my dad as sir. It was amusing to watch, and I could tell that my dad thought it was funny too. Neither of us expected him to take it so seriously. When he finished saying something about how he thought his TV was really cool (you could see his huge TV from where we were in the kitchen), ending it with sir, my dad decided to finally break the news.

"You don't have to call me Sir" He grinned.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not picking up what he was putting down.

"He was just pulling your leg" I explained. "What kind of person would he be to make you call him sir every time you saw him?"

"A stuck up person" Luke answered slowly, his statement sounding more like a question due to the realisation only starting to kick in then.

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