Chapter 7

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Our date started off with the beeping of a horn outside my mum's house which I still lived in. Due to the fact that she and my step-dad were still at work, it was up to me to lock the place up. I took a deep breath, and then slid my feet into my pair of ankle boots and did up the zip. My fingers tugged at my hair in my nervous faze. I guess you could say that I was thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong.

I opened the large door and stepped out. I didn't dare to look at him, keeping my attention on locking the door. Once I'd fumbled around with the keys and assured that I had the house completely secure, I turned my gaze to the bottom of the driveway where a gorgeous blonde boy in a pair of skinny jeans and a Nirvana band shirt leaned against a minivan. I almost choked at the sight of it.

He pulled the sunglasses that had been resting against the bridge of his nose off and tucked them onto his shirt. A smug smile tugged on his lips as I walked down to him. He just looked so good, and I felt a little shocked at how effortless he seemed.

"Hi!" His voice rang out.


"How are you?"


"That's good"

I laughed a little at his comment. He opened the passenger door for me, stepping to the side to allow me to actually get in. When I was inside, he shut the door and walked around to the driver's seat, a smile still present. He started the minivan up, the engine roaring to life. I felt awkward. My hands were clasped tightly in my lap, my eyes looking out the window to avoid any contact with the other pair of eyes that were in the van.

"You look really pretty, Dylan" He said softly.

A threw him a look with a tiny smile. My stomach did flip flops and I couldn't help but be struck by his eyes. He had suddenly found a way of making me forget everything like my first-date nervousness and fear of saying something stupid. Everything was good now. It was just us now in our own little bubble and we were going to have a fantastic date.

"Thank you" I breathed, then more confidently said, "You don't look too bad yourself"

He nods, but I'm not sure if it's in answer to my question or to the beat to the lame pop song on the radio.

"It's kinda chilly out there tonight" He started.

"Yeah. Probably should've brought a jacket"

I was glad that he was the one starting the conversation. Me being me would've remained silent and stared at my fingernails all night whilst the guy I was going out with tried to recall my name. You see, if he hadn't spoken first I would still be looking out the window and he'd be thinking that I'm some brainless girl who only said yes because she felt compelled to.

"You'll be fine. We're not going to be doing anything that doesn't supply heating" He explained, and I noticed that his fingers were drumming on the steering wheel which was most likely out of habit. "I feel the cold really badly"

"And here I was thinking that I might have gotten lucky and found my own personal heater" I attempted to joke. It was quite painful to my own ears, and it sucked, but he laughed anyway.

"Do you feel the cold too or...?" He trailed off, and I got the idea on what he was meaning.

I swallowed. "Pretty much. Mum get's annoyed with me about it because it increases the power bill"

"Fair enough"

We travel in silence for a little longer until Luke had parked the minivan in a car park on a street not too far away from the theatre. We both hopped out and Luke locked up the minivan which I was assuming was his parents. I mean, why else would a nineteen year old boy have a minivan? When we were walking on the footpath he slid an arm around my back and hooked his fingers to one of the loops on my jeans. I shivered at the contact, but he didn't seem to notice. Wow.

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