Chapter 13

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The boys left the subject at that. Calum was sour like a lemon and retreated to his room in a volatile state. Luke began to run his hands through his hair. It was something he tended to do when he was nervous or worked up, I noted. The fact that he disliked conversing about this Shari person was obvious, so I chose to not speak of her name as we too, made our way to his bedroom.

I had never stayed the night at the flat before, but seeing as he wasn't in a good mood, I decided to remain with Luke to not only keep him company, but calm him down.

He slammed the door which left a rather loud echo in the room. He stomped around, sighing occasionally. I stood by the door frame, watching him, quite unsure on what to do. Finally, he shimmied out of his tight skinny jeans which left him in his boxers, and jumped into bed. His hand reached out and flicked on the bedside lamp. I took this as a cue to turn off the rooms light and approached his drawers. I pulled out a shirt of his, and chucked it over my head. I then removed my pair of jeans and flopped onto the bed to lie beside him.

"You look good in my stuff" He smiled weakly. "But better with your clothes off"

"That would've been much smoother if you weren't acting like you're not mad" I told him as he threw the blankets over us.

I cuddled up to his body, wishing that the duvet cover was on the bed. Sadly, it was still draped over the couch. Although Luke was warm, the comfort of the larger blanket would have been much better. The flat didn't seem as if it had insulation due to it always being kinda chilly.

Luke didn't say anything, only wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He was on his back. I was on my side. His eyes were dead to the ceiling. I leaned on his chest and folded my arms onto it.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

His eyes flickered towards mine and he exhaled.

"I hate him" He stated.

"Ouch" I said.

"He just should know not to bring up that topic"

We remained quiet for a few moments. I searched his face as he continued to stare at the ceiling like he was in deep thought. I didn't know what to say, didn't know how to make him feel better. All I knew was that he needed someone to be there for him. If that meant that we were to stay in silence for the rest of the night, I was prepared to do so.

My own thoughts lingered to what word he said to Calum. Girlfriend. Holy crap. No one had ever labelled me as their girlfriend before. My heart had leapt in my chest as his mouth formed the sentence which made me want to blush and squeal and tell all of my friends about. And the best part about it was that we were silently acknowledging through our actions that we were in a relationship now.

"She was my last girlfriend" Luke murmured. "And she was a bit of a bitch. She cheated on me with one of my best mates in my own fucking bed"

I instantly felt for him then. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have two people that you trusted go and mess around behind your back. It was no wonder why he didn't want to mention Shari.

"I'm so sorry" Was all I could say.

Luke looked down at me and shot me a half smile, but I could see right through him. It was taking a lot for him to talk about this with me, I realised. He had never vented to me about any of his problems before. He trusted me in his fragile state and I loved how he felt comfortable enough with me to say what he was saying. It was probably only things he would only ever tell his closest friends.

"It was a long time ago. Last year" He said.

"But it still hurts though, doesn't it?"

"I thought I was going to marry her one day" He took his eyes away from mine, bringing them back to the ceiling. He seemed to be doing a lot of staring at the ceiling. "I was stupid and in love. It was probably a good thing that it ended when it did. Only God knows how many other guys she was sleeping around with"

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