Chapter 11

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"Help yourself, Luke" My mum started off by saying as she sat down at the left side of Tim who had already taken his place at the head of the table. "I've heard I make a great macaroni cheese"

Luke smiled, and reached out for the serving spoon to serve himself some of my mum's legendary dish. If there was one thing that I liked about the one that birthed me, it was her mac n cheese that she cooked up. I had never understood how she sucked at everything else, but I didn't dare to question her about it in fear that even this would turn to crap.

To give her some credit, she had cooked a storm just because I had brought a potential boyfriend around. There was a steaming roast chicken, roasted vegetables, her macaroni cheese and a salad. She had also created a chocolate Moro bar cheesecake which contained alcohol, saved only for special occasions. I didn't see how this was a special occasion, yet I refused to complain. Cheesecake was like my favourite thing, hence why I had suggested it to Luke when he had seen me in the cafe. I would never recommend anything else beside cheesecake when it was available. That's how large my love for it was.

"Is it actually good?" He whispered to me when she wasn't looking.

I got the feeling that he wasn't sure what to believe at the moment. One minute I was telling him that my mum was a nightmare and the next minute she was acting all sweet and caring towards him. He possibly thought that I was being overdramatic, but then again I did have a large amount of disliking to her, so I probably did make it worse than it seemed.

"It's like heaven. Trust me when I say this, and realise that this will be the only positive thing I ever say about her" I whispered back.

He looked around the room, and at the sight of Blake already digging into his meal, he seemed to realise then that we don't say prayer in this household. Once noticing this, he scooped a mouthful of the macaroni cheese from his plate into his mouth.

I nudged him. "Up to standard?"

"How?" He asked when he had swallowed. "That's the best macaroni cheese I've ever eaten"

My mum then laughed. "Family recipe. When Dylan finally gets her lazy butt out of the house I might just give it to her"

I shook my head and scoffed. How could she be so nice when we had guests around yet such a bitch when there wasn't anyone to tell her off? She was being so fake it was ridiculous. It reminded me of the snobby rich girls back at school who charmed their way with the geeks to get them to do their homework, and then afterwards acted incredibly nasty towards them.

She then decided to start asking everyone about their day. It was unusual behaviour for her, but I was once again reminded that it was only because Luke was around and she wanted to make a good impression.

"So Ryan how was your day?"

Ryan looked up from his dinner and glared at her. "You took my play station game away from me because I didn't know how to peel a potato"

Mum ignored his comment. "Blake?"

"Shit" He stated, then took a bite of his chicken.

She now looked horrified. I personally thought that she shouldn't be so offended. She swore at us on a daily basis, meaning that of course that we'd all pick up on her language. Blake was only speaking what was said around him. You really couldn't blame the child but the adult.

"Blake!" She seemed to be holding back a scream. "We don't use those sorts of words, especially when we have a visitor around. I can't believe you kids. I honestly thought that I had taught you better than this. What happened to my kind, polite children? They've been kidnapped"

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