Chapter 16

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Mrs Liz Hemmings turned out to be a wonderful lady. In the first short five minutes of walking up to the door and entering Luke's parents really nice looking house she had us sitting down on the couch with freshly baked cookies (seriously though, what was up with parents always handing over biscuits to visitors?) and Luke's baby photos.

"And this was when we brought him home for the first time. He's in his Moses basket that we used for Ben and Jack as well. He was the worse sleeper out of all three of the boys" She was saying, pointing at an image of baby Luke in a Moses basket with yellow sheets. He was sound asleep, but from what Mrs Hemmings was telling us I could almost guess that he probably awoke a few minutes after the picture was taken. "He kept everyone up all night long, none of us getting any sleep, not even one bit"

"I wasn't that bad mum" Luke groaned. His cheeks were flaming up with embarrassment.

"Oh yes you were" Liz countered back. "Now look at this one Dylan! Luke was running around only in his nappy, so Jack thought it would be a good idea to get the pegs from the washing basket to peg on the back of his nappy"

I peered at the picture and laughed. Luke looked incredibly unhappy himself, whereas the boy beside him who I assumed was Jack had a big grin on his face. He looked rather proud of his handy work. My boyfriend began to blush even harder and attempted to shut the photo album that was sitting in front of us on the coffee table.

"Mum, stop please"

"Absolutely not, Luke. This is fun"

"Not for me. I don't think Dylan actually wants to see these horrible pictures of me"

"They're not horrible. They're the entertainment of the Hemmings household"

"Why can't we look at Jack or Bens photos instead?"

"Because it's no use to look at them when they're not here to witness us laughing at them"

I giggled at their banter. Luke was obviously so embarrassed that his mother had pulled out the baby albums. From what I could see, it had not been a part of his plan to allow me to see the pictures of his childhood and what he looked like as he grew up. I couldn't understand what was so bad about the pictures anyway. They were fantastic, nothing bad about them. They showed how he had a great upbringing, raised by loving parents and brothers who clearly wanted to tease the living daylights out of him.

"I'm actually quite enjoying seeing these, Liz" I smirked at Luke who was throwing daggers at me with his eyes. "I can definitely back up the fact that they're great entertainment"

"More cookies to help lighten up your mood, Luke?" Liz offered the plate to her son. He shot her a dirty look, but picked one up anyway and took a bite.

"And this is when we went to the beach with Luke when he was about two" Liz had flipped the page. It landed on a picture of a naked Luke who was stuck in a hole that someone had dug. He was trying to climb out, and unfortunately for him, the picture was taken at the amazing moment of his butt being on full display.

I turned my head to look at Luke's reaction. His jaw had dropped to the floor in shock that that had just been shown to me. I could understand now why he didn't want Liz to bring out the photo album. It seemed all innocent at first, but as it went on it became increasingly disastrous – for him anyway.

"This is stopping now" Luke announced. "You're going to start scaring my girlfriend away, mum"

Liz laughed and closed the album. "That's okay. Your dad and I are planning on using that picture for your twenty first anyway"

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