Chapter 19

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Luke texted me several days later, politely asking if I would like to go see him at the cafe that was about ten minutes away from uni. I hesitantly agreed, already having a rough idea about what he wanted to talk about. Either it would be the vandalism of his car, or the crappy break up. I was hoping for the first option.

So there I was, sitting in the cafe with a cup full of coffee in front of me with steam rising from it. I'd gone to order for Luke too, but realised that it was probably inappropriate to do so. We weren't together anymore, so I no longer had to waste my money and bus him his usual, although everything inside me was screeching that I should.

I couldn't help that I still felt something for him. Yes, we'd only dated for a short amount of time and hadn't done much, but I swore that we just clicked. It was a feeling that was hard to describe, a feeling that I'd never felt before. Definitely not love for sure, but like I was up on the clouds and nothing else mattered sort of feeling.

Then he walked through the door and I gulped. He was so attractive. The whole black shirt with sleeves rolled up, black skinny jeans and boots was honestly perfect on him. I could never understand how he pulled it off, but it made me incredibly jealous that Shari now had that and I didn't.

"Hi." He said as he sat down onto the chair that was opposite me.

I glared at him. I couldn't help that I was in a pissed off mood. The last time we'd spoken he'd been an absolute ass to me, so for me to act this way was just a reaction to his words.

"Dylan." He sighed. "Why'd you do that to my car?"

"Because I was mad, and I still am if you haven't noticed or anything."

"I get that, but you do know that it was a heck of a job to get rid of that tape. You're lucky that I didn't get the cops onto you."

My jaw dropped. There was no way he'd just gone there. I couldn't believe he'd said that. I couldn't believe that I'd ever seen any good in the guy in the first place. He was just some boy who worshiped his mother and had nothing better to do with his life besides study music which wasn't going to get him a job in anything worthwhile.

"But I didn't because I still like you." He continued. "And I'm sorry that I was texting Shari during our relationship. I realise now that it was really disrespectful towards you and I should never have done it. I also know that I was idiot for letting you go. I didn't mean anything I said, and I felt like crap right away when I told you to leave. I really want you back, Dyl."

I didn't even know how to comprehend his words. First he was telling me he was going to get the police to charge me, and then he was saying that he was still interested in me and wanted our relationship to continue.

"Oh." I said.

He frowned and then sighed, like he was expecting me to react this way. After all, it was a huge bombshell to drop. I didn't know if I wanted to be his girlfriend anymore. I didn't want a guy who was so bipolar on his decisions and actions. No girl wants a guy like that.

"I deserved that." He muttered, and then said louder, "What do I have to do to get you to want me again?"

"I want you back." I told him slowly. "But I don't think it's a good idea. If you liked me that much you would've have treated me the way you did."

"I just poured my heart out and you tell me that."

"Pouring out your heart is telling someone you love them, not that you understand that you're stupid."

"I suppose so. How about I give you some time to think it over and you tell me tomorrow before class? Or I could take out for lunch and maybe head to mine for a movie." He suggested.

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