Chapter 18

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"And then he told me to leave." I sniffed. "Which is when I walked out and called Sarah."

I was on the lazy boy chair in the lounge of Sarah's house with Sarah herself and the infamous Ben sitting opposite me on the black leather couch. They were more than happy to listen to me ball my eyes out and insult he-who-shall-not-be-named. Sarah looked like she was ready to chop the boy's balls off, whereas Ben, although he was protective of me and all as he was my best friend's boyfriend, seemed keen to bring out the popcorn and invite everyone he knew around. The only thing stopping him was that he knew his girlfriend would be butchering his balls too.

"What an asshole." Sarah handed me a box of tissues which I pulled one too many tissues out of.

"Is this the moment I go buy Bob and Mary's ice cream and a puppy?" Ben asked suggestively.

"Shut up Ben."

I could see that Ben was just trying to lighten up the mood – for his sake mainly – but it wasn't very helpful. I almost wanted to scream at him to go away and take his horrible jokes with him. If he didn't want to listen to the ranting, broken hearted female I didn't expect him to stick around, but for some reason he continued to stay.

"A puppy would be nice." I whimpered. "I want a lab though."

Sarah sighed and glared at her boyfriend. It didn't help that Ben was already in the dog box with her. Apparently he'd drowned out all of the hot water from having a shower and left Sarah with water that 'must've come from the Atlantic ocean', to quote from Sarah herself. To have a cold shower and to hear that her best friend had just had her heartbroken obviously had rocked Sarah's emotions, and she looked like a woman on a mission.

"How about we go to the movies?" She proposed.

I shook my head furiously. "The movies were where he took us for our first date."

"Thoughts on bowling." Ben wiggled his eyebrows, seeming all up for his idea, but I wasn't really in the mood for going out and doing such fun activities with people right then. Thankfully, Sarah seemed to feel the same way as I did so I didn't have to go.

"I'd have a very large urge to bring a ball with us in the car and throw it at a certain someone if we did that." She firmly said.


"You literally suggest that every other night when you're drunk and can't sleep and I'm sick of it. The answer is no."

"Holiday? The board game Holiday?"

"That game is for five year olds."

Ben gave up on ideas and adventured off to the kitchen. We could hear the sounds of him opening the cupboard and the beeping of the fridge from being open for too long. He was probably not even hungry and was only eating because he was bored, which of course he was going to pay for when he went to the gym the next morning. The pros of being a fit person.

"Well what do you want to do, Dylan? We can't just sit around all day feeling sorry for you, as much as I know you would love to do that. It's not like you loved him or ever got intimate with him. At the end of the day he's just another guy who has relationship issues and was stupid for dumping you. Obviously he prefers a girl who cheats on him compared to a girl who wants to be loyal." Sarah said softly.

I shrugged my shoulders. All I could think about was Luke's face, his mouth forming the words 'this isn't going to work out. You should leave'. Just the shock of him being able to say them, it amazed me. I had thought of him as weak throughout the entire argument, but then he came out with that. Maybe it was a burst of confidence, or maybe it was what he'd be thinking of saying for ages, or maybe just what was on his mind right then and there. If it were the last maybe, then there was a chance he could come crawling back for more.

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