Chapter 20

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After coffee Luke brought me over to the flat. I was nervous, as the last time I'd been there was when I was ruining his car and laughing at his friends reactions. His friends. They were going to be there, and it was going to be incredibly awkward between us considering the situation. They probably thought I was a bitch knowing that Luke would've twisted the situation around to look like he was the victim.

When I stepped in, I saw all three boys lounging about on the couch. Calum was sprawled out over Michael and Ashton's laps, a bowl of chips in front of him and his eyes glued to the television. I could hear the sound of Ellen DeGenerous's voice chirping from it, making it clear that they were watching her show. Michael's hand was in Calum's hair, softly playing with it.

I found it hard to understand how Michael was straight. From what I was seeing, anyone would think he was batting for the other team. It didn't surprise me that he was doing so with Calum though. Despite Luke insisting that the guy was interested in chicks, I swore he was interested, or at least curious, with guys. I'm not sure what it was, but the fact that he was obsessed with Keeping Up With The Kardashians, a women's show, gave me the idea that he liked males.

Luke's hand tightened around mine as the boys caught sight of me. Their eyebrows seemed to have raised, all looking more than a little shocked that Luke had brought me there. I guessed that they didn't think that we would get back together which I didn't blame them for. I didn't think I would get into a relationship with Luke again either.

"You're back." Ashton croaked, speaking for the two remaining speechless boys. "I didn't realise you were bringing home company, otherwise we would've tidied the place up."

"There's no we." Michael scoffed. "It would've been just you."

"I didn't know that I was bringing company either, Ash. I'm glad I did though." Luke said, shooting me a small smile.

"What did you do to get her to - "Calum began, but he stopped when he noticed that three sets of eyes were glaring at him.

I frowned, and looked up at my boyfriend in confusion. "What's he talking about?"

He shook his head. "I dunno. Probably nothing of interest."

"Don't listen to me. I'm just some guy with no job or any qualifications whatsoever that has two kids with two very different mothers that likes to watch reality TV and study the footage on pornhub. To sum it up, I'm not the smartest of people." Calum told me in a rather casual tone.

I was taken aback. I already knew that he did nothing of interest with his days, but the news that he was the father of two children was a shock. I'd never thought out of all my wonders that he would be a dad. In all honesty, I got the impression from him that he would never have kids because he wouldn't be bothered to settle down. Obviously not.

"One's two, and the others only a couple of months old." He said proudly. "Their names are Elliot and Alaska. One of the mums is obsessed with that one John Green book, so she thought it would be a good idea to name the kid after the book."

"Calum, I don't think she cares." Michael laughed, looking at me nervously.

"How often do you see them?" I asked in attempt to lighten the mood.

"The last time I saw Alaska was when she was born." He hummed, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. "And I think I saw Elliot like three weeks ago."

"Well that's enough for now. We're just going to leave you guys to it." Luke's expression looked worried, awkward and a mix of other feelings. He gave me the impression that he didn't want me to be talking to the boys, and I really couldn't blame him. We were walking on a piece of string.

We then went to his room which looked exactly like it did the last time I was there. We lay on our backs on his bed like old times and talked about the vandalism of his car (which apparently had been a pain to remove – points to Sarah) and worldwide issues. It wasn't often we talked about politics and really sensitive topics such as death and terrorism. Throughout the time I had known and dated Luke we'd always been so chill, so relaxed and always looking for the brighter side in things. Now that we'd swerved into a bad patch, it felt important for us to discuss new events. I couldn't place my finger on it, but we were different, even if it had only been a few days apart. "How many kids do you want?" He asked suddenly.

I was quiet, unsure on what to say. I knew that this had came from Calum mentioning he had two of his own, but I'd never really thought about having a family of my own, especially with Luke. I didn't even think that he would even consider having children. Luke seemed like the kind of guy in that one group of friends who would always be without such baggage, much like Calum himself. No wonder they were such good friends.

"Maybe three or four...I don't know." I told him.

"I'd like at least three." He sighed. "As long as I have a daughter."

"Why's that?"

"Mum would love to have a granddaughter after having to raise three boys."

"It's in my genes to be able to have twins." I said quietly. "I'm pretty sure that my aunts expecting triplets, but I'd have to get back to you on that one because I haven't caught up with my mum much about it."

"That'd be nice. Imagine us with like three sets of twins and quadruplets." I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling. It was the way he stated his words.

"I'm not giving birth that many times." I deadpanned.

"Aw. I heard it gets easier every time."

"Pretty sure that's a lie."

He was silent for a few moments, knowing quite well that I was probably right. I stared at the ceiling, not wanting to speak, worried that I was going to say something wrong. Instead, I waited for him to initiate the conversation, seeing as I was at his flat and felt out of place. In my eyes it was up to him to entertain me, which would be likewise when he would go to my place.

"I don't want kids at the moment, y'know." He started. "I don't want to end up like Calum who has two kids that he doesn't even see and he's not even 25 yet. I want them with someone who I see a future with, someone I can see myself marrying one day. Yeah, that might not be you, but I just, yeah."

He seemed to have lost his train of thought, not clear on what he wanted to say to me. I could understand where he was going with it though. He was trying to explain how he saw his life fanning out, whether it was with me or not. I didn't mind this, because I felt the same way.


This is horrible and short and I am sorry that you wasted your time reading this chapter because it's so bad. On the positive side this chapter talked about some important things!!!!

Btw my reason for not updating is bc i've been on holiday at the beach and hanging out with family i haven't seen in over two – three years and caring for my overdramatic, clingy and annoying grandmother and that's more important than writing this fanfic okay personal life comes before made up stories about some band members

Have we got any predictions for the story line?

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