Chapter 3

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I have always loved way too much, or never enough. I was the type of girl who would give you a guy my love way too early and scare him off. Then, in attempt to learn from my mistake I would avoid affection towards a guy at all costs, because if you show a guy too much affection he'll get concerned that you're going to get clingy and never leave him alone. I realized over time that this had been a very big reason for why I could never keep a guy, putting aside my awkwardness. So when I got Luke's number, I knew I needed to be careful with my affection.

My first plan was to only text him whenever he texted me. That way, he was leading the conversation in a way where he could choose if he wanted to end it or not. It seemed the safest option considering my previous experiences with the male species.

I didn't want to mess this up because, well, I really liked Luke. He seemed like a really great guy that I could have a potential long term relationship with. This was of course though if he had any interest in me. Personally, I wouldn't have any interest in myself. I was boring and totally plain Jane whereas he was endlessly friendly and actually had a social life which probably included many girls. I mean, if you weren't attracted to him in some way or another you were probably blind, although, even then I'd think you would still be having the hots for him. It was impossible not to. He was a gorgeous guy and could have his pick of girls. Why he was talking to me I was still trying to figure out.

The white iPhone on the opposite seat buzzed. I let out a groan, reached out to the passenger side beside me and unlocked it whilst still trying to keep my eyes on the traffic. The light was currently on red, but that still didn't mean that it wasn't going to turn green at any second. The last thing I needed was mad drivers beeping their horns at me because I didn't notice the light change due to mucking about on my phone.

Luke: Hi

Dylan: Hey

Luke: Have any classes today? :-)

I hesitated before sending my reply. Should I put a smiley face or something after my text? Or would that be too boring? The idea was to try and attract him to me, and I knew that not sending an emoji back was ordinary, but I only sent two words to be safe.

Dylan: Just one

The lights changed to green and I pressed down on the accelerator. My crappy red car took me straight forward onto the next street. I reached forward, turned the volume up on the radio, and then checked my phone that was currently sitting in my lap. He still hadn't texted me back. I brought my hand up to my mouth where I began to chew on my nails. It was my way of fretting. Perhaps I really should've sent something more exciting, maybe suggested we go and grab a bite after class.

And then he called me. Because my car wasn't all too flash I had to use speakerphone. As I answered I turned the radio volume down, then tapped the button on my phone screen to put it onto speaker.

"Hi Dyl!" He spoke.

"Hi Luke, how's it going on your end?" I asked, trying to remain as casual as possible despite that my heart was racing a thousand miles per hour.

"Great" He sounded sarcastic. "I hate to put this on you, but I was wondering if you could help me with my studying? When's your first class?"

I looked at the time at the top of my phone. I had planned to have my own study time before my first class myself, so I assumed that it would work out perfectly fine. It meant that I would get to study and spend time with an extremely hot guy at the same time and place.

"I have about an hour to waste" I said finally. "That good enough?"

"Better than enough" He brightened up.

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