Chapter 6

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I cleared my throat as Luke reached out for the blue guitar that was on a stand before us. He glanced up at me briefly, and then allowed his hand to continue its journey towards the thin strings. He picked at them with interest crossing his face. So maybe music was his passion, but it really wasn't mine, and I definitely not appreciating being dragged around a music store without being even being spoken to.

"Can we go now?" I finally got the balls to ask him. I felt kinda bad, but it wasn't exactly my fault that I was absolutely smitten for this guy and I was willing to follow him around like a lost puppy.

He turned towards me with a frown. "Is there a problem?"

"Well yeah" I narrowed my eyes, confidence shooting through me despite that I was talking with a really hot male. "I mean, it's not like I'm bored out of my mind because you're too busy taking me around to every shop that you want to go to, completely oblivious to the fact that maybe I don't want to go to those stores and would like to go to one that actually sells things that I like. So far we've gone to a male clothing store, target, some random as soap place and now we're looking at instruments. Like really, Luke?"

Luke appeared to be taken aback by my comment. He obviously wasn't expecting such words to fly from my mouth, especially the part about being bored and the sarcastic tone that came with it. When people say that boys are dumb, they literally do mean it.

"I thought you wouldn't mind the soap shop" He offered lamely.

"Coconut soaps, sure. But you continued to drool over the chocolate stuff which isn't even that good" I sighed.

He seriously looked quite offended at this.

"Why can't we go to a store that I like?" I questioned him. "Jay Jay's has guy's clothes too, just saying"

"Once I'm done in here" He said, his gaze going from me to the guitar once again.

I sighed again. Good Charlotte's Like It's Her Birthday began to play on the loudspeaker that was installed in the store. Luke at hearing the song started to hum along to the catch beat. I stood next to him like I did in the previous stores, just listening to the song in hope that I would receive some sort of joy from it no thanks to my current situation. Luckily for me though, I didn't mind Good Charlotte, and the song was actually rather good compared to the crappy music with no words in the other stores.

Finally the ruggedly handsome male beside me took his concentration from the royal blue guitar, and proceeded to slip an arm around my waist. The gesture was cute, too cute maybe. It sent tingles throughout my body. I got a whiff of his cologne – faint but delicious almost. He led me out of the shop and into the main area of the mall. People passed us, all lost in their own conversations and thoughts. We didn't exactly talk, except for a quick question from him asking me where I wanted to go. Even after my performance, I just shrugged.

He leaned down, bringing his mouth to my ear. "How about Jeans West? I could do with some new jeans, and I might just buy you a new top as my way of saying sorry"

I looked up at him, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips. "Okay"

Once in the store we went our separate ways. He headed to the men's section to find a pair of jeans, and I went to the women's in search of a top. I didn't want to select something that was really expensive, so I made sure to check the price tag of each top I looked at. I found a simple red floral top that had a pocket on the left boob that I really liked. Thankfully, it didn't cost too much either. Happy with what I now held in my hands, I went in search of Luke.

I found him with at least three pairs of black jeans in his arms, and he was still looking for more clothes. The boy must've been rich, I swore, because clothes aren't cheap, especially in Jeans West, and the fact that he was even purchasing me a top was a stretch. With the way my pay check went, I would be lucky to shout someone Maccas, so it was quite clear that there was money somewhere in his family for him to be doing this.

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