Chapter 21

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        "What exctaly do you think she is doing here?"  Harry asked towards Niall.  

        "Harry, please don't say anything to anyone," I pleaded in a soft whisper.

        "Shut up Delilah, Niall explain all of this,"  Harry snapped.  My eyes grew wide.  Harry and I had never ever had a single fight with eachother.  We were to good of friends.  We were so close.  Why was he treating me like this.  After I called him, I knew that something wasn't right here.  But still, why would he ever do this.  I felt Niall gently take my hand and squeeze it.  I didn't squeeze back, I just stood there and stared at Harry.  

        "Harry, maybe we should talk for a little bit," Niall suggested to Harry.  Harry didn't say anything, but just nodded towards the door waiting for Niall to make a move and walk out.  

        Once they had all lefted the room I just stood there in peaceful silence.  It had been over two months since I had stood in this room.  I looked over to the almost unused piano.  I looked up to see the sheet of music that I had written on still lay there.  I walked over to pick it up.  I looked at it to come realization that someone had oh-so carefully writen on the back of the paper.  I flipped it over and began to read the note that had awaited me.  


I don't understand why you haven't come back yet.  The words that I said to you were not under any conditions fare to you or any of the boys.  I miss you, despite how I might act around the others.  I just want you home more than anything.  I may be, no I am, the worst the worst human being to do this to you.  You may never read this, but if you do, Delilah, please return to us, to me.  I miss you and I love you with every inch of my black heart.  



        I gulped back some of the tears that were threatining to spill from my stinging eyes.  He must have written this before he began to hate me.  I sighed.  I turned, they must still be talkong.  I walked out of the music room and pressed my ear up against the door. 

        "Harry, why are you even doing this to her?" Niall spoke in a frustrated tone.  

        "She left Niall, and she didn't even come back to us," Harry said trying to convince Niall of such.

        "I thought you loved this girl," Niall said softly.  

        Love?!  Of yeah, we were bestfriends before all of this happened to us.  

        "I used to Niall, I used to," Harry said sighing, "I'm with Emma now," 

        "Right, I know," Niall said.

        They continued to talk, but I had completly zoned out.  Harry has a girlfriend? Well this stings.  Wait why would this sting?  Oh right, because with a girlfriend he woulnd't spend as much time with me.  That's why I was upset.  Who is this "Emma," anyways. I better not have to lay my eyes on her.  She's probably ugly and slutty.  I'm getting off topic.  I should continue to listen...

        "Can't you be just friends with her though?" Niall asked. They must be talking about Emma.

        "I'm afraid that if I tried to be friends with her, I would start to have feelings for her again," Harry mumbled.  

        "No, because you would have Emma,"  Niall said in return.  

        Well, they weren't talking about Emma.  

        "Still, I can't be just friends with Delilah," Harry said ending the conversation.  I went back to the music room.  

        He meant me.  Harry Styles, the curly cheeky perv., used to have feelings for me.  

        They opened the door and only Niall came back in. 

        "Is he going to tell anyone?" I questioned him. He shook his head smiling at me.  We heard the door open again and Harry and a girl walked in.  

        "Hi, I'm Emma," The girl said holding out her small hand. 

        Bad news.  She.  Was.  Drop.  Dead.  Gorgeous.  

        "H-hi I'm Delilah," I said smiling.  I couldn't help it, she seemed like one of those people you can't help but love.  

        She smilied widly back at me.  

        "Wow, you're really pretty," She exclaimed looking at me.  My mouth dropped a little.  

        "Have you looked at yourself," I said, "You are beautiful," 

        She giggled and blushed.

        "Why thank youl Madam," She said in a posh accent.  This time I giggled. 

        "You are quite welcome, kind lady," I said in just as wierd an accent.  We both burst out into laughter.  Ok, so I already loved her.  I could tell Eleanor, Emma, and I were going to get along greatly together.  

        "Umm, would you put your number in my phone?" We both said taking out our phones, At the exact same time.  

        We laughed again and took each others phones and I put my number in as Lord of All.  We gave ours back and I looked down to see she had put King of Everything.  We laughed all over again and ended up having to hold onto eachother to keep from falling.  

        The boys both stood there looking at us with a perfect mouth hanging open expression.  

        "Harry, just because you're friends with another girl doesn't mean I have to hate her," Emma said to Harry.

        "Yeah, just because you now have a girlfriend doesn't mean I have to hate her," I said in agreement.

       "Right," He said slowly as if we had just broken some invisible rule in some invisible rule book.  We both rolled our eyes.  Harry and her were going out so we said our goodbyes and they left.  I looked at Niall.

        Well," He said looking at me.  I wasn't gonna stop myself, so I ran and hugged him.  He carefully wrapped his arms around me.  

        "What was that for?" He asked laughing before backing up.

        "That was for being there for me, when everyone else here had given up," I whispered.  He kissed my cheek and gave me another quick hugged before he picked me up and we went back to his bedroom.  We watched a couple movies before Niall said he had to meet the boys at the recording studio.  I nodded and he left.  

        I was in the middle of watching Old Dogs when I decided I was hungry.  Yes, I did decide I was hungry.  I was torn between saying I was actually hungry or that I was just really bored.  I skipped down to the kitchen and grabbed a muffin and put whipped cream all over it and dug in.  

        I turned to go back upstairs to find someone staring right back at me. 

         Why does this always happen to me? 

         A/N  So, I'm sorry it's short and crappy, but I am on vacation.  I am really sorry.  Sooooo. Emma in this chapter is played by @1dlover1831  She's seems to be really nice and you should really read her FanFic Mr and Mrs.  Styles....It's really good!!!! lets see here.....Comment a question or something you would like to know about me.  :) 



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