Chapter 3

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                        The car had stopped and it was time to get out. All five of the boys tried to jump out at once. 

        "Hey!" I said, "Everyone go sit back down!"

        To my surprise, they did. They now stared at me looking for further instructions.

        "Oh, that was it," I said voice tingling as I happily crawled out the now free door.

        "Yup, defiantly Louis's sis," said a boy with dark hair.

        "Hey guys?" I said

        "Yea?" They all asked

        "Umm, which apartment is yours?" I asked peering into to what must be a five star complex. They all burst out laughing. What did I do?

        "Umm,this whole thing is our house," Said the curly haired one.

        The blond boy came running up.

         "Move!" He said and dashed inside.

        My eyes got wide.

        "Sorry about Niall," said who I thought was Louis, "He just hasn't had enough to eat,"

        How much does that kid eat? In the car I watched as he devoured four sandwiches in less than 10 minutes. They better not expect me to eat that much, let alone one sandwich. I sighed, one more abusive family. Maybe I can set a record for that and then make a living off of it. Yea right, like that's gonna happen. You never know! Or maybe the record....wait?!? I'm talking to myself! Haha, I made my first friend. 

        "And then, this is your bedroom," Louis said opening the double doors to a whole new room.

        My jaw dropped, and I thought was just what people said. Nope, it literally fell open. My room was a suite. It had a small main room with a couch, TV, and chairs in it(it wasn't that small, it was still bigger than any other room I had ever had). The walls were painted a creamy white, it had a glass window wall looking out over the ocean. My actual room was painted a teal, with a king sized bed. The walk-in closet was actually bigger than my last room to. It already clothes in every color. Over a hundred pairs of shoes and tons of accessories. My bathroom(again bigger than my other bedrooms) had a shower, a separates bath, with jets, and a huge double sink with a large mirror.

        "Umm sorry," he began, "We didnt know what style to get you, so we went light on clothing,"

        "This is more than triple the clothes I've owned put together," I said astonished. I was still busy taking in the whole sight.

        "Ok, well I'll give you some time alone," he said exiting

        This was mine! I ran and jumped on the bed. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

        "Umm, Lacy?" Said a soft voice gently shaking me.

        "What?" I said groggily

        "It's time to get up sweetheart,"

        I groaned and opened my eyes. It was the curly haired one.

        "No offense, but you guys never introduced yourselves," I said sitting up and scratching my head.

        "Omg, I can't believe we forgot!" He said face-palming himself.

        I giggled.

        "I'm Harry, Harry Styles," he said giving me a cheeky grin.

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