Chapter 21

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        I gulped and looked over to the sleeping Niall. Should I wake him up? Nah. He can sleep. I was hungry so I crept out the door trying not make any noise. I looked downstairs to not see anyone. Feeling sure that no one was there I headed downstairs and grabbed two blueberry muffins.

        I turned to head back upstairs, when the house phone rang. I went to pick it up, not wanting any of the boys to wake up.

        "Hello?" I said

        "Found you," Was all I heard before the person hung up.

        Larry, had already found me. Why did I have to answer. I'm so stupid.

        I went back up to Niall's room and shut the door behind me.

        He was still sleeping. I gently went over and shook his shoulder. He mumbled and turned over. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to go back to my muffins, but I felt two arms grab me and pull me onto the water bed. I yelped.

        "Niall!" I whined, "They're gonna hear me,"

        He chuckled

        "No, they won't," He said pretty sure of himself

        I tried to get up, but he held me down. I could feel him grinning into my neck. I tried again and failed again.

        "Niall, I want to go eat my muffin," I mumbled hiding my face in his chest.

        "Muffins," He said jumping off the bed, shoving me onto the floor in the process. I let out an "Ooof,"

        "Yeah," I grumbled getting up a little slower rubbing my head, "My muffins,"

        I looked to see him stuffing both of my muffins into his mouth. I sighed.

        "Oh, were you gonna eat those?" He asked sarcastically grinning at me.

        I ran up to him shoved him as hard as I could. He. Didn't. Even. Budge. This caused him to burst out into fits of laughter. I grumbled to myself and went and sat on the bed pouting.

        After he finally stopped he looked over at me.

        "Oh, come on Lilah," He said coming over to look over at me. But we both knew what I was waiting for him to say.

        I raised my eyebrows at him.

        "Nope, I refuse to say it," He said sternly.

        Suddenly an idea popped into my head, he must have realized exactly what I was planning on doing because he covered his eyes.

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