Chapter 11

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        "I..."  Niall began but instead of finishing he looked straight at me. 

        "Lacy.." He breathed out. 

        I smilied. 

        "She can't talk for two days," said Louis

        Niall nodded as if in understanding. 

        "So do you remember everything about her?" Liam asked after a moment of silence.  

        "I think so yea," Niall said, "I think I left her with some words and actions she should've never had to have had done to her,"

        I quickly wrote on the board that all is forgiven.  

        "Maybe, but I'm going to make it up to you still," He said.  

        He was to sweet.  

        "Well, guys," began Louis, "You ready?"

        We all murmered in agreement except for me.  

        Once we all got home, I headed upstairs to my familiar room and sat on my bed, smiling because I was alive...

        Alright, boys, I think it's time we had a little talk," Began Louis from downstairs.

        "I don't need to be here," Said Zayn heading back upstairs.  

        They then knew what this was about.   

        "I'm aware of your feelings towards my sister Delilah," He began.

        Niall looked a little confused that Louis had found out, but he nodded anyways. 

        "I've decided that since I trust you boys with my life I can trust you to date her," He said, "How ever that does NOT mean go profess your undying love to her this instent," 

        They all nervously laughed and gave eachother looks.  

        "This means, that whoever, and if, she admits feelings towards one of you three, you may date her," He said concluding his speech. 

        They all grinned from ear to ear.  This was a start.  

        Over the next week or to the boys had begun to be very clingy and I know it was due to what I had done, but I wish they would forget about it.  Though I can see how it would be hard.  Harry and I were in the middle of our video game when he cheated.  

        "Harold Edward Styles!" I shreeked at him. 

        "What's got your girly panties in a twist?" He asked smirking, "Can't handle the fact that I beat you,"

        "You cheated," I have shouted in his face making him laugh evily.

        "Erg!" I said pouncing on him and pinning him to the ground.  

        "Another thing you cant win at," He said before flipping me so he was ontop of me.

        "Face it babe," He murmered against my neck sending chills anywhere and everywhere through my body, "You just can't win," 

        Hah, but if he was trying to seduce me, I was most defintly NOT letting him win that one.  I flipped us agian so that this time I was straddling him.  I bent nearly touching noises and very slowly licked my lips and barely biting the corner of my bottom lip.  I heard him whimper slightly. 

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