Chapter 9

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                Now I can imagine your thoughts. That messed girl, did she jump? Did she die? What ever happened to that messed up girl?

        She did jump.... 

        And as she once said, "I bet NO ONE could survive that fall,"


        "I want to know the story of what happened...NOW!" Liam partially screamed at the doctor.

        "Sir, please calm down," he began, "She's been in here before."

        "Is she alive?" Asked a teary-eyed Louis

         "Is he alive?" Zayn finished his question.

        "The story first," said the doctor.

        "It appears Delilah threw herself out the window in a suicide attempt. Your boy Niall went a little too far to bring her back. They both fell." He said.

        "What, oh my god!" Shouted a panicked Harry.

        "Harry please calm down," said Louis.

        "How?" He said, "Two of my close friend are dead, the doctor said-"

        "That no ONE could survive that fall," finished the doctor.

        "What are you saying?" Liam asked.

        "That the two of together on the fall," he began watching our faces lift, "survived."

        We all screamed and jumped up from our sulking selves in the chairs.

        They had both made it.

        Nobody died.

        "Why didnt you just start with, "They're both ok?" Louis shouted through a smile.

        "Because I wouldn't get to see this!" Said the doctor grinning from ear to ear.

        "Boys I think we all need to talk," Louis said, "when she comes out we must show her how much she means, for all of us,"

        The boys all nodded in agreement. 

        "Well how about we go check on our little survivors?" Said Zayn

        We all nodded and began to walk towards the hospital room we were directed to, not at all expecting what lay ahead.

        A/N well guys? We're you surprised? Scared? What were your feels? And I need opinions! Who do you ship?

Much Love,


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