Chapter 14

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        When I got home I went upstairs and took a shower and climbed into bed.  I lay awake for a couple of hours, but was not able to fall alseep.  I walked down to get a drink of water, but was stopped when I heard people talking.  From the day Harry had showed me how to evaesdrop, that's always the first thing I do.  

        I barely peared around the corner to see Liam and Niall talking.  

        "Why would you ask me that?" Asked Liam in an angry tone.  

        "I thought you would want her to know," said Niall running his hands through his hair. 

        "If she found out that I liked her, she might never talk to me again,"  said Liam in response 

        So this must be about that girl he likes.  

        Well, whoever she is, she better not come around anytime soon that little bratty son of a b-. 

        The two boys came over and stared at me cutting me off. I must have said that outloud.  Oops. 

        "Yeah, oops," said Niall

        "Delilah," said Liam, "I wouldn't say that about her," 

        I snorted. 

        "Give me one good reason," I said

        "Because..," He began and I nodded my head for him to continue, "Because the girl is you," 

        "That's no good rea-" I began but then my head shot up at what he had said. 

        "What?" I half screamed.  

        Liam looked over at Niall as if expecting him to say something.  He blushed and looked at the ground staying silent. 

        "Sorry I didn't tell you before," Liam said, but he said it through gritted teeth and was glaring at Niall.  

        "I'm gonna go now," Niall said walking over and kissing my cheek and leaving.  

        "Night love," He said. 

        "Night Blondie," I said

        He chuckled st his new name and left leaving me with lover boy. 

        "You really should have told me, " I began but then realization kicked in, "Ohhhh, so that's why Louis did that,"

        He laughed and nodded. 

        I went and sat down on the couch next to him. I didn't really know what to do.  

        "Do you acually like any of us?" He asked out of now where. 

        "Of course I do," I gushed. 

        "No I that way," He gestured.  I finally got what he meant.  

        I sighed and nodded  

        "I'm gonna go back to bed," I said. 

        He frowned, but nodded kirtly.

        "Night," He said looking over towards the wall. 


        I walked back upstairs and found Styles in my room. 

        "What are you doing," I said putting my hands up to signal a fake gun. 

        He put his hands in the air. 

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