Chapter 1

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A/N: Helloooo! I hope you'll enjoy this story but remember, english is NOT my first language which means grammar/spelling errors may come. I hope you can see through them and still enjoy reading this fanfic.

Loads of love // Ven


"Hyejin!" I called out for probably the hundredth time as I pushed my way through the giant ocean of people.

I feel a hand crawl its way around my waist and I immediately slap it away in disgust as I continue with my mission to find my best friend. I don't know why I ever let her convince me to come to this stupid party but yet here I was, looking like an idiot because Hyejin had to disappear only five minutes after we sat a foot inside the house.

"Looking for some fun?" A male voice soon cooed into my ear, making my whole body freeze for a second because of the discomfort.

"Uhm... No thanks, I think I'll pass." I rejected as kindly as I possible could before pushing myself out of the crowd of dancing people, giving up with my search.

I hated myself for agreeing to come with her here because this was what happened every time we went to a party together - she accepted the first boy that approached her while I rejected my first and before I knew it she was out of my sight and I didn't find her until either the party was over or when she stumbled into our shared apartment at an early hour.

I decided to waste my time on my phone and hopefully she'd turn up in a while but of course with my luck my phone had already ran out of battery and was now as dead as it could possible be.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my temples in an attempt to get away the headache that was threatening to come because of the irritation that I was feeling.

I decided to just leave. I know, douchebag friend alert, but to be honest who was the one ditching who at this party?

I walked past the teenagers who were doing everything from dancing and drinking to literally swallowing each others tongues before I finally reached the door which lead to what I'd call freedom. While finally outside I inhale the fresh air with a deep, satisfying sigh.

The warm summer nights were my favorite. I looked back at the house I had just left, my mind battling about going back to find Hyejin or do as I pleased myself and leave. In the end the opinion of walking home won once again and my feet started to move forward, away from the loud music and screaming teenagers.

Warm winds blew through my thick, black hair as I enjoyed my walk back to my apartment. Ansan was beautiful at the summers, but of course almost as beautiful in the winters.

Ansan was the perfect place to live. It was not in the busy streets of Seoul but if you needed anything from the big capital it was only a 30 minute drive and then you were in the middle of the busy street that's Gangnam.

I strolled slowly, enjoying the quiet night. Being out late all alone was never a good thing in this area though, bad people will always be out at nighttime but I had been used to walk home alone so many nights that the thought of something bad happening had escaped my mind. I was never really worried about myself when walking alone like this, it was more the thought of Hyejin doing it that made a shiver go down my spine. I shook the thought away, she wouldn't start to head home until early hours anyway, nothing could ever happen.

"There you are!" Someone yelled and I spun around, smiling widely at the thought of that Hyejin actually had followed me to go home with me.

My smile faded away the next second when I saw a girl running past me into the arms of a girl walking a bit ahead of me. Well, that's another way to look like an idiot for the night. The girl who just had ran past me looked over her shoulder and pointed at me and the next second they both giggled as they started to walk away together with their arms linked together.

On The Run // Xiumin [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now