Chapter 39

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Adriana's POV

The workout was finally over, but I was not feeling very good.My legs felt like jelly. My arms were probably about a useful as floppy noodles at lifting stuff, and my core was so sore, I probably didn't have the muscle to throw up... which is a blessing in disguise, I guess.

But, to the annoyance of my teammates, my mouth was perfectly fine, and so was everyone else's. We were all complaining and wincing in pain at almost every movement.

"Congratulations, Adri. That was the hardest initiation conditioning day that I've had. Can I just say, if you weren't a girl who we have known for years, we would all hate you," Said Gareth.

"Anyone who made me go through that kind of pain I would hate as well," I said, flopping down onto a bench, not even feeling like going to my locker. I could just sleep here. But the modeling contract thing tomorrow... Ugh. Do I have to?

"Guys, I have something to say," said coach, walking into the locker room with a smirk on his face. See, he didn't have to do the same workout as us.

"If I had enough energy, I would beat you up," Said Keylor (Navas).

"Well, besides Mr. Navas over here, I am very proud of you guys for having a good attitude. This is probably the hardest workout I have ever made anyone do, so you guys doing it is great. Bring it in, team," He said, earning a grumble from Keylor.

"Real Madrid forever on three!" Shouted Cris, trying to amp up the energy. "One, Two, THREE!" 

"REAL MADRID FOREVER!" We all shouted.

"Okay guys," I said, while everyone was in one general area. "I am not going to be able to go to practice tomorrow. Adriana Messi has a previous engagement from before she played for Bayern Munich. Can I do goalie day on the day after?" I asked, hoping they would approve, which would make my life so much easier.

"Go. Just go. I don't even care at this point. You guys can all have tomorrow and the day after that off. Have a good night," Said coach, and then he walked out of the room.

I finally gathered up the strength to go to my locker and get dressed, and to my surprise, the locker was full of new clothes, all with the name Malinowski on the back and my new number, 5. I was going to make this number well known in soccer history.

Of course, this wasn't going to help for a couple of days in Barcelona. Oh well, I guess I will just have to borrow some of Leo's stuff, or hopefully not, Neymar's stuff. Please don't make me.

I filled my bag with the shirts and shorts, and then figured I would drop them off at home.

"Hey, Adrian? I got you. I'll drive you home," Said Cris.

"What's with calling me Adrian all of the sudden?" I asked.

"Well, if we ever go out as a team, I can't risk calling you Adriana, so I am practicing with not calling you that," Said Cris.

"What's the real reason?" I asked, hands on my hips.

"Because I... I..." He faltered.

"Go on. You know I'll love you, no matter what," I said.

"I'm worried about you, going over to Barcelona, possibly associating with Neymar, the devil himself, or not wanting to come back to us. I want you to remember that you are Adrian Malinowski, and you belong on this team. You are Adriana Cruz, the little amazing schoolgirl who stole my heart and ran off with it a little farther with every move. Yes, you might be Adriana Messi, but in my heart, you will always be my girl. Adriana Cruz. So whenever this drama finally dies down, know that I will be there, waiting for you on the other side, and I will be there with every step in between," He said.

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