Chapter 18

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Kiandra POV

I grabbed the nearest bag which was a black Nike duffel bag and began stuffing all my clothes and essentials into it.

I can't even believe my own family lied to me.

What hurts is that Jaeger knew this the whole fucking time and my dad didn't even want me to begin with.

I wiped the hot tears from eyes while attempting to check my phone. I needed to see how charged my phone was before I could step out.

I cleared most of my drawers in two nike duffels and a medium sized suit case that contained my valuables like my journal, hygiene products, blanket, and money.

All I have to my name is $500 I been saving since last summer from allowances.

I unplugged my phone and placed it in my grey crossbody bag before taking a good look at my room because I was not coming back.

I wasn't wanted so why should I stay?

I took a breath and exited my room.

And just as I expected, Jae and everybody else was gone, no where to be found.

I rolled my eyes, with my bags in hand. I reached outside and there was still no one here.

There was not a single car in our driveway.

Before I left, to where I was going, I wanted to let Jaysean know in advance, so he doesn't go looking for me.

I struggled to move my bags, but I eventually made my way to his front porch.

Before I knocked I wiped my eyes and with the sleeve of my black American Apparel hoodie and took a deep breath in case somebody else answered the door.

I knocked and was surprised by his little sister.

"Yes?" The little girl asked with attitude.

"Um hello, is your brother home? I really need to talk to him."

"Who are you?" She questioned.

"His um -- friend. I'm his friend."

"Oh." She said sizing me once more.

"Can you please get him?" I said becoming irritated by her rudeness.

"I guess....JAYSEAAAAN!" She screamed nearly disturbing the neighborhood.

"What?" I heard him bark from upstairs.

"Your little friend is here." She said sarcastically.

Soon she walked off to where ever, and Jay greeted me with his pearly whites.

"Hey girl, what's up?" He said leaning for a kiss.

I politely declined and went straight to what I had to say.

"Jay." I started.

"What's going on?" He asked eyeing my bags on the porch bench.

"I found out that I'm adopted and that I have been lied to for the longest. My parents are getting divorced. Or should I even call them that?" My voice trailed off into deep thoughts.

"Wait? Hol' up rewind. Bring it all the way back." He joked.

"This is not a time to joke around, I'm being dead serious. I'm leaving and I wanted to let you know that." I said with a single tear streaming down my face.

"Kiandra, where do you expect to go? Your only 15 and you barely have a record. How are you going to make it?"

"I'm turning 16 next week, it don't matter, I'll find something. Plus, I can stay at Liyah's house for a while until I can get my own place."

"You think Liyah's mom is going to let her daughter's runaway friend stay at her home? She can get arrested. You can't do this." He said having a point.


"No." He said closing the door in my face.

I scoffed and returned to my belongings and walked down the steps to make my way to the bus stop.

I was halfway to the stop and was struggling with ideas.

"Hold up! I'm coming with you!" Jaysean screamed behind me on the sidewalk.

I ignored him and kept walking cause I was pissed that he had left me hanging on the porch.

"Come on. I'm not letting you do this alone. We gon' find somewhere to go. I can't let you roam these streets with no protection." He said catching up to me.


"Yes we. I'm not letting your fine ass get kidnapped or become homeless. So I'm joining you. Although, I don't want you to do this." He said while burning a whole through my face.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Your welcome. I like you alot Kiandra Celia Ganders." He said grabbing the suitcase handle from my hand.

"I like you alot too, Jaysean Aiden Diaz." I admitted.

"I know." He said cockily.

"Shut up. Where's your stuff?"

"I only brought a backpack that contains a week worth of clothes." He shrugged.

"Only for a week?"

"You were rushing me, so my ass had to play sonic." He said eyeing me.

"Oh, well if I had known I would have waited. But what did your sister say?"

"She'll be alright. I left my mom a note, with some money. They will be alright. I'll check up on them everyday."

"What? Your mom is okay with this?"

"I didn't say allat, but I know she wont rat us out."

"Ugh, I don't want you to leave your family for me." I said with guilt.

"It's not all about you damn. I needed to leave for my own reasons."

"Then why are you here?" I said growing impatient.

"Don't worry about it." He simply replied.

I really wanted to know why he was coming with me.

He must have trouble at home or something but I'm not going to ask about it again.

We walked in silence to the bus stop.

"I have about twelve hundred bucks on me right now. And I should have money on my card." He said breaking the silence.

My eyes were wide open and my ass was in disbelief.

"Twelve hundred dollars?" I coughed.

"Yea, how much do you have?"

"How did you get all that?"

"Please don't ask me questions."

"No really where did you get it?" I said with a serious tone.

"Kiandra. Just answer my fucking question."

Did he just cuss at me? No lie I felt kinda hurt... I don't like being yelled or cussed at. I'm sensitive as hell.

"500. Maybe we can get a room in a motel..." I suggested.

"Yea, that's cool. But I'm starved can we eat after this bus ride?"

"Your always hungry." I smacked my lips while getting up.

"I know, but I'm having you for dessert tonight." He winked.

The bus was here and we were out.

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