Chapter 7

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Jaeger POV

Man since that whole encounter between Liyah and I, I've found myself really distant from her and Kiandra, even Jay. It was too awkward and I needed time to think about last night's events. We were tensed up during the movie. Nobody spoke, everyone kept to themselves and watched. Not even one laugh. During the movie, I knocked out on the couch and when I woke up, Liyah and Jay were gone.

Ring! Ring! The alarm sounded.

"What!" I grunted half asleep, realizing that it was my alarm for school. I popped my head up from the couch and scanned the room which made me realize that I was still in the theatre. What time is it? I almost forgot today was Monday.

I sniffled as I checked for the time on my phone. My neck was killing me.

8:56 am

"Shit! Fuck!" Now I really jumped off the couch. I was super late and I usually take Kiandra to school and wake her up since she's a heavy ass sleeper. She must of stayed up late last night.

I hurried into the hall with my phone in hand. I ran upstairs, trying to be careful not to buss my ass. I ain't tryna limp in school with a bruised ass and a sore back.

As soon as I made it up, before I could knock on Ki's door, I found it open. What the hell? I paused because the house was too silent. Kiandra don't sleep with her door open. And if she's not asleep then where is she? I pulled out my pocket knife from the pocket of grey sweatpants and slowly aproached the slightly ajar door.

I kicked the door open to find that she wasn't even there like I suspected.

"Shit!" I slammed the door behind me violently.

I know exactly what she did. This ungrateful ass little girl went to school without me. She took a ride with Liyah. I knew it. Liyah probably slept ova or some shit.

I ran my shaking hands down my face. I was angry if you couldn't tell. I decided on staying home and skipping school but when Kiandra gets back....hmmm... just wait on it.

Since it was so early and I stayed home, I decided to make some breakfast. I went back downstairs and entered the kitchen. I searched the pantry, fridge, then the freezer.

"Ahh yes, thank you Jesus." I smirked and pulled out the strawberry toaster strudel box and publix sausage biscuits. Not really much cooking but that shit fye.
Not compared to what mama can cook but I know she's on vacay and she and pops are working on that marriage. They better. I'm not tryna have my in-love parents divorce, it would break my heart. The love they have for each other is unevitable.

While the pastries were toasting in the oven, the sausage biscuits were being microwaved so I poured me some Pepsi in a foam cup.

Hours passed and it was twelve o' clock...I had just woken up from my refreshing nap in my comfy, firm, bed. I really needed that cause a nigga neck was hurtin' severely. 2 more hours til Ki makes it back...

I reached for my phone and scrolled down instagram and I encountered my ex-girlfriend's page from a selfie she posted earlier... her name is India. I felt tears rushing down my face and my throat was burning. I never cry but when it comes to her and my miscarried child, I feel pain. More pain than I've ever felt.

8 months ago, India and I were in a serious relationship going on 2 years. We took each other's virginities at just 16 and we loved each other so much. The connection was so real, realer than I've had with anyone. She met my family for the first time when I invited her to have dinner with us. My mama loved us together and my father as well.

Who is Kiandra?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora