Chapter 6

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After the whole blow out, I decided to chill out with a spliff. I'm not suppose to be smoking but I don't's what I do. I'll never stop. Shoot... maybe one day I might get in the business. I grabbed my ipad and played some Kodak from my soundcloud.

I know that Ki wasn't gonna tell our parents because she loves me and she knows I'll do anything for her as a big brother.

Ever since my parents adopted her which she was 3, and I was 5...I simply knew my responsiblity was to protect her. My dad always taught me how to stand up for family even if we don't have the same blood. I remember Ki's little ass wobbling like a little duck in the house, babbling words like a minion.

I smiled at the thought of my lil sis and took a puff. Damn. I know shes 15 but it kills me to see her grow up. I don't even like her boyfriend, Noel. He's rude, stuck-up, and a wannabe. I peeped it when he came over for dinner one time. My dad seems to like him but I don't. He puts on a show for everybody but really...he ain't shit.

I don't exactly have proof but I'm sure Kiandra will come to realization that she can do better. My sister is too beautiful, educated, and independent to be dealing with him. Even though I don't like Noel, I still felt the need to scold Ki for kissing Jaysean. It's wrong to cheat. Period.

I was done smoking and gathering my thoughts. I noticed my soundcloud went to another playlist that consisted of Kehlani. Yes. I listen to Kehlani. A nigga be caught up in emotions. I sat back comfortably on my beanbag and shut my eyes slowly.

Kiandra POV

I feel like shit. I knew I should have just stayed in my room. Why do I always have to mess things up? And since when did Jay have a crush on me? I always had a crush on him and now when I'm finally in happy relationship, he has to screw it up.

Now my brother thinks I'm some type of hoe, making out with his friends. It wasn't even like that. I didn't stop the kiss between Jaysean and I because it felt so right...I've longed for this kiss since 7th grade. When it happened, I just wanted to end it all with Noel. I just met Noel last summer, so there wasn't as much feelings. I've known Jay most of my childhood. My feelings for Jay blossomed.

I walked upstairs from where Jae had left me. I entered my room and threw my self on my bed. I sobbed into my satin pillow which my mascara stained. My chest began heaving and I let out all my emotions onto this one pillow.

I heard my door open but I didn't care to look to see who it was. Then suddenly, I felt a hand rub my back as I continued sobbing.

"Ki." The deep voice said lowly.

I stopped sobbing and sniffled. I didn't remove my head though because I felt to embarassed to be seen like raccoon.

The voice sighed.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being so harsh, but it's like you were making out wit' my homie and you know your my lil' just ain't right. Plus you have a boyfriend whom I don't even like." He went on.

I got up from my pillow only to see a high Jaeger speaking softly.

"I'm sorry too, brother. I was trying to explain what had happened earlier but you didn't give me a chance to speak. You embarassed me and Jay." My voice shook.

"I know." He said with a sincere look in his eyes.

I nodded and reached for the hug he offered me. He kissed my forehead and mushed my head.

"Owww what the fuck!" I said removing myself from his arms.

"Aye watch that foul mouth of yours." he warned.

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