Chapter 14

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"Baby can we go now?"

We been in this mall for 5 hours already and I was getting hella annoyed. I didn't have breakfast so you can imagine how hungry I am.

"Yea, wait one minute!" India yelled from behind the dressing room curtain.

We were in H & M and the music was hella loud and the store was packed with a bunch of tumblr white kids.

My shorty always takes forever to shop, so my ass should've known to just order some shit for her online.

"All done." She exclaimed.

"So baby whatchu taking?"

"All of these fit me nicely. Remember the light wash jeans I tried on?"

"Oh yea, those look sexy on you. The way they grip your thighs nicely, the way your ass sits up nicely and your curves are just---"

"Oh my gosh, shut up!" She laughed walking towards me with 5 shirts and 3 jeans wrapped on her arms.

"Baby let me get that."


"Yes shorty?"

"I love you. And let me just say that I have a nice surprise when we get in the car." She winked and trailed off to the register.

I followed behind and approached the cash register. To my surprise, Liyah was the cashier.

"Babe come on." India laughed.

Thank God India didn't really peep anything because knowing her she would beat the shit out of Liyah.

My heart was beating too fast.

"Hangers?" Was all she said.

You can tell she was pissed by the way she slammed her fingers onto the keyboard.

I returned from my daze and pulled out my wallet.

"110.45" she studied me carefully which made me even more nervous.

After seting the crisp 100 bill followed by a 20. I let Liyah keep the change and we grabbed the bags and bounced.

"Whatchu thinking about bae?" She said while grabbing my hand.

"Nothing much. I'm just hungry...can we go get some Red Lobster?" I shrugged.

"Baby don't give me that. I know you. What's bothering you? I saw the way you and Jay were acting earlier and to say the least you guys were sizing each other." She said as we approached the truck of the range rover.

"Nah." I said placing all 16 shopping bags in the trunk.

"Baby please." She whined.

"Fine. Well basically Jaysean and Kiandra got some shit goin on between them and honestly, I ain't wit' that shit at all. Wanna know why? Cause that's my gotdamn little sister! She has no business being with my best friend." I said spilling half the truth.

"I know she's your sister but she's getting older you have to accept that you can't stop her from feeling the way she does. Plus, you act like Jaysean is a bad dude. It's not like she fucking with a random dude off the streets. If you love Kiandra you'd let her see him."

"But like listen... you don't know half the things I have to protect her from. In my opinion, they shouldn't be together."

I slammed the trunk closed, jogged to the passenger side and opened the door for India.

I sat my in my seat and started the roaring engine before pulling out the drive way.

India was quiet and she looked like she was in deep thought.

"Do you trust Jaysean?" She blurted.

I was actually shocked that she would ask me that kinda question. That shit caught me off guard.

"Jaeger." She sucked her teeth waiting for a response.

"Yea of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" I stale faced.

"Whatever. You need to apologize to them." She stated almost burning a hole on the side of my face.

I just kept my eyes on the road and continued bumping to "Woodcrest Manor by Raury"


I turned into the Red Lobster parking lot.

"Don't "K" me nigga. You need to apologize to them. Or you'll lose the both of them." She shot.

"I said ok! Damn what the fuck else do you want from me?" I shot back slamming the brake.

Our bodies flung frontwards then backwards onto our seats.

"I was just trying to help you! You the one moping around all day. You haven't been acting the same. Ever since I got here you been acting strange." She said with her eyes welling up with tears.

"No, it's like that India." I grabbed her arm to get her to look at me.

"It's not like what? If you don't feel nothing for me anymore...please let me know." She spat before removing her arm from me.

"Calm down. I'm trying to talk to you. Why would you say some dumb shit like that?"

"Can you just take me to my Aunt's house." She replied.

"India come on!" I backed the car out and sped out the lot back onto the road.

She didn't say a word the whole ride. This girl gave me silent treatment but I don't fucking care cause she wanna try and assume shit and control my life.

Too much shit on my plate. How the fuck do I cope?

I parallel parked infront of her aunt's crib and opened my door to get her bags from the trunk. Neither one of us said a word. Not to mention I'm hungry as fuck. I'm irritated and ready to go home.

I helped her out the car and dropped the bags off on the porch. I turned around and noticed her posted up by the car door like she had something to say. I'm not in the mood to speak.

"What?" I sucked my teeth.

"Don't be rude." She rolled her eyes and shoved a small blue gift box in my hand.

"What's this?" I scrunched up my face.

"Open it."

I ripped the silver, silk ribbon off then opened the lid.

"Oh my God! Baby how'd you get this shit bruh?"

Before she could answer, I grabbed her small waist and brought her in for a warm hug.

I placed a kiss everywhere I could, causing her to laugh and moan.

She bought me J cole concert tickets. Front row & V.I.P.

"Bruh they sold out! How? Me and Jay been tryna get our hands on these!" I had then just realized what I said and sighed.

Me and Jay aren't cool right now.

"Don't worry about it..." she walked off with her arms crossed, without me having a chance to say thank you or goodbye.

I fucked up. Once again.

Who will I go to this concert with?

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