Chapter 8

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Kiandra POV

"Sydney stop with that itty bitty piggy shit, and please do your work." Ms.Eĺlison said sternly.

Everybody in class laughed and looked over to Sydney who was now blushing, she gave her the death stare and deattached her beats cord from the heaphones.

While still laughing along with the class, I pressed my home button and noticed it was almost the end of school.

I sighed because I knew Jaeger was gonna molly-wop my ass across the floor for leaving him this morning. I kinda regret the pettiness I served.
The reason I left him was because I was still fucking pissed at him for kissing Liyah. He had the mothafuckin' nerve to have sex with her after he told me I couldn't kiss Jaysean. It wasn't fair so I didn't feel the need to wake his hypocrite ass up.

While into my thoughts the bell rang.
I got up from seat and put my black Michael Kors backpack on. I jogged around my desk and exited the classroom.

"Ki! Kiandra!" I heard a voice scream down the hall. It was Liyah calling me over.

"Oh hey bestie. You takin' me home right?" I chuckled at her goofiness she was lugging her heavy US History book.

"Yea of course, wanna go to steak and shake or something? My treat babe." She gave me that you know you want to face.

"Yasssss bish, I was craving a oreo milkshake guh." I did my fake ghetto impression.

We both laughed in unison and left the school.

"Y'all fine as fuck! Me and my dawg tryna holla. C'mon let us show y'all a good time."

Me and Liyah looked behind us and saw a group of football players outside by the park lot fence.

We stared at them then at each other and laughed.

Finally, we approached Liyah's black Cadillac. Once I settled my bag and books in the back seat. I arranged myself in the passenger seat.

We were on our way to Steak n' Shake.

"Aye fam pass me the aux cord."

Liyah seemed zoned out while we were at the stop light. She realized what I had said and passed me the cord and gave me a faint smile. Something was on her mind, and I wasn't sure what. I planned on asking her about what happened between her and my brother at the resturaunt.
We vibed the whole ride to my Kehlani playlist.

When we entered the place we were greeted by the hostess Meg. She had bright, blue, bold eyes. She wore a white sailor hat which had her ginger hair styled in a neat bun.

Meg sat us in our usual spot and informed us that our server should be coming soon. Me and Li nodded and viewed the milkshake photos on the menu cover.

"Mhmm....I'm getting the Strawberry Creme milkshake." Her stomach growled as if it answered.

We bust out laughing at the table.

"Hi beauties, my name is Alexandra and I'll be your server for today, is there any milkshake or beverage I can start you off with?" Alexandra took Li's then mine and skipped off with her notepad.

"Sooo, Li wassup with you and my brother?" I said tapping the ends of my manicured nails on the table.


"Don't lie to me, or you'll regret it."

"I wasn't going to lie but whatever. Well when you went to go get Jaysean, I was in the kitchen where you left me and I was lurking through Don's twitter page and he been liking some chick's pictures alot lately so of course me being the crazy girlfriend I am, I clicked on her page and she had his name in her bio. Kiandra, I couldn't believe that I saw this with my own eyes. Don played me." Liyahs eyes look dead as she spoke.

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