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  I stayed up all night watching Newt sleep. I made sure he didn't try to hurt himself. It was bad enough seeing the handcuffs cut and rub against his wrists every time the car took a bump or a turn.

  But part of it is that I am scared of going to sleep now. Scared that I will have a magnificent dream about Newt and I, only to wake up and get slapped in the face by reality.

  It's dawn when we finally arrive in Denver. The car stops and Newt slowly lifts his head and looks around groggily. Looks at me with a blank expression as if he is looking at the plain wall behind me.

  "Good morning, Newt."

  He nods his head.

  I begin to roll up my blanket when the door's open and Vince looks at us. I rub my sore eyes and climb out, greeted by sunshine and crisp air. I look around and see a huge wall, probably a hundred feet tall. It's metal and gray, and seems to remind me of the Maze walls, minus the cracks and ivy.

  "High notch security," Vince says from behind me and pulls something out of his bag. It's a needle filled with blue liquid. "Not everyone is immune, but they are determined to keep the virus out." He climbs in next to Newt. "Mary worked all night to make the Bliss for you, so hold still." He injects the small needle into Newt's upper arm and I already see him starting to relax, his breathing slows and his eyes seem to get heavy.

  "How long will that give him?" I ask as Vince uncuffs Newt.

  "It's different with everyone. Few months tops, but the amount in here isn't much. There's no way of knowing," He explains and bandages Newt's arm. "But as long as he stays hidden in our group as we pass through, he will be able to get through the walls. Here, take this," He tosses me a medical mask and I slip it over my mouth. "City laws."

  I nod my head, turning away from Newt and walking towards the other vehicles. I see Minho step out of one of the buses, stretching against the morning light.

  "Hey kid." He greets, yawning. He looks over at Newt, stumbling around, Vince at his side. His face drops.

  "They just gave him the bliss." I say, picking up one of the duffel bags and slinging it over my shoulder. "He'll be fine."

  He'll be fine.

  That's what I keep telling myself. Over and over until I can see the words wherever I look. And the only choice I have is to believe those words. To block out what's really happening. To live in my own world where he is healthy and nothing about him is broken.

  I shake my thoughts away and take a deep breath, turning to the group of people starting to carry bags and furniture through the giant doors of Denver.

  Someone taps my shoulder. My mom steps in front of me. "They're expecting us, so we don't have to go through the long security measures. Follow me."

  I nod. Everything and everyone is moving so quickly that it's all a blur before my eyes. It's hard to believe we finally made it, we're safe.

  I walk with my mom and my friends, Newt and Vince in the middle of the cluster. We approach the security check in. The guards nod, seeming to know exactly who we are.

  We scan our fingers and get city wristbands when   the large doors slowly start sliding open. I am anxious to get inside. The doors open and we all make our way to the city.

  When we step inside, its like nothing I have ever seen before.

  Its a blur of colors. Tall sky scrapers that almost reach as high as the walls occupy the sides. Small shops and businesses scatter the center of the city. Dogs run through the streets and birds fly through the sky.

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