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  My eyes shoot open, darting wildly around the dark room. My breathing is quick and rapid as I shoot upwards in the bed, hands flying to my sweat covered head.

  The dream, it's the same dream I have had several times now. It haunts me and scares me and makes me feel uneasy.

  I feel a shift beside me and look over at Olivia as she opens her eyes, confusion and worry washing over her face. "Newt?" She asks, voice weak and tired.

  "Hey, baby, just go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." I say, laying back down.

  "Newt, what's wrong?" She wonders, rubbing the top of my arm.

  "Nothing is wrong, love." I say, trying to reassure her. But my voice is still shaky.

  "Something is. Do you regret last night?" She asks, voice as quiet as a mouse.

  "No no no," I say, wrapping my arms around her bare waist and pulling her next to me. "No, I don't, love. Not at all. You were amazing," I kiss the top of her head as she snuggles in next to me. "I love you and I don't regret anything." It's true, it was one of the best nights, spending it and becoming even closer to the girl I love.

  "Okay, good." She says. "But I still don't believe you when you say nothing is wrong," She scans my face. "Please, don't keep things from me."

  I sigh. "I've been having dreams." I confess.

  "Like memories?"

  I shake my head. "More like nightmares. I-I don't know how to explain it. I see myself, and there's this voice talking to me and telling me all these things that don't make sense." I squeeze my eyes and open them again.

  "How long has this been happening?"

  "A couple weeks into the Scorch Trials. But they were never this bad. This one was scarier. It seemed so real."

  "It might be Wicked. Trying to mess with us," She says, relating to the failure of disabling the chips in time. Maybe they've been able to root things into our minds. "Or the stress from everything. We have different ways of dealing with it. Yours might be nightmares," She runs her hands through my hair. "But it's okay. Because from now on, every single night I will be by your side. I'll take care of you." She smiles.

  "How do you deal with it?" I ask.

  She shrugs. "Lots of ways. Last time I fainted," She chuckles and I return a laugh. "The weight of the world is on our shoulders, and right now, there's nothing much we can do about it except keep pushing, keep fighting."

  I nod in agreement. "Is it scary?"


  "Having your memories back."

  She thinks for a minute. "It's weird. It's frightening. Knowing what my life used to be like. But there are still good memories. All I can do is hope they are authentic. But I trust that they are."


  That one word echoes through my head. The Dark Passenger told me about trust over and over again. My head pounds as it bounces off my skull and rattles my brain.

  I shake it away. Instead, pulling Olivia even closer to me. "You always make me feel better." I whisper as I tuck her hair away.

  She smiles. "I remember our first kiss."

  This takes me aback. "Really?" I say, happiness lacing my voice. She laughs at the grin spreading across my face.

  "Yep," She giggles. "I was crying because I found out they were going to try and hurt everyone in the Maze. You came and visited me, comforted me, and then kissed me. But then you awkwardly left afterward." She laughs some more.

  I lean in close to her, noses touching. "I imagine it was nice."

  She nods. "It was. It's when I first fell in love with you."

  I lean in, lips brushing against hers...

  DON'T TRUST HER! A voice screams through my head, ripping my ear drums apart.

  I pull away, wincing against the pain. She cups my face in her hands, forcing me to look her straight in the eye.

  "Don't think about everything else. Think about me." She whispers and presses her mouth onto mine, warmth filling my veins. Her lips are warm and sweet, making me instantly feel better as they glide against mine softly and gently. Fireworks exploded inside of me every time I kiss her. And knowing I have her with me, in my arms, this close to my body, it makes the whole world stop and stare in awe.

  She pulls away. "Newt, you're everything to me." She says and cuddles in next to me, my arms wrapped around her as she drifts off to sleep.

  Nothing could ever feel this amazing.

AUTHOR: Hope you liked! Sorry these Newt chapters are shorter but yah. Hahaha. Newlia is so cute!!! Hope Newt feels better.

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