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  "This is where you'll be staying," Harrison says, stopping and turning in front of a large door

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  "This is where you'll be staying," Harrison says, stopping and turning in front of a large door. The seven of us stand behind him, separated from Group B. He looks at Newt and I, points at us. "No funny business."

  Minho barks out a laugh. "Preach!" My face gets hot as Newt laughs beside me. I bury my red face in my hands.

  He unlocks the door with his card and we step inside. The floors and walls are metal, just like everything else in the building. Beds line the walls, fit with pillows and blankets, a lot more welcoming than the twin bunks with a single sheet we had only two weeks ago. A door leading to a bathroom sits on the opposite side.

  "Settle yourselves. Fresh clothes will be provided to you in the morning." Harrison says, letting us in. The door closes and bolts shut. We are locked inside, but at least we have beds to sleep on.

  "Not bad. I could get used to this," Minho says and claims the first bed. The others choose theirs, propping themselves up on the pillows

  I sit down on an empty bed near the back, pulling a blanket up over me. It feels nice. I close my eyes.

  I feel weight on the other side of me, something soft brushing my lips. "Sleeping alone?" His voice vibrates against my mouth, sending waves of pleasure through my skin.

  I re-open my eyes and see Newt's face centimeters from mine, smirking. "I like sleeping without a shirt, love." He adds.

  I sit up and whack him with a pillow. "Go get another bed." I laugh teasingly.

  "That's the thing, love. There are no other beds." He's right. We'll be sharing a bed, which I don't mind, except it's weird when all the others are watching.

  "Ugh. Fine," I jokingly groan. "We can share."

  "Yay!" He squeals like a little boy.

  "Do us all a favor and save your mushy gushy couple things for when we are asleep," Minho complains from the other side of the room, his head buried into a pillow. "And like Mr. Harrison said, keep it in your pants Newton."

  All the Gladers burst out laughing. It's Newt's turn to get embarrassed, his face turns pink. "Shut up!" He throws a pillow and it lands on Minho's head.

  "Thanks. More for me." He pulls the pillow off of him and tucks it under his arm, his voice slightly muffled from the cushion he still lays on.

  "Guess we better get some sleep." I say, once everything quiets down.

  Mumbles and mutters respond, for everyone is already half asleep. I go to the bathroom to wash of my face, splashing it with warm water before brushing my teeth. I finish up when the door behind me opens, Newt walking in. He puts his arms around my waist, and I can't help but smile.

  "How are you feeling?" He asks, noticing the scars and stitches on my neck and back.

  I dry my hands off and turn around to face him. "I'm good."

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