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Olivia's POV

  My dreams used to be the safest place for me. When I was young, I would dream of wonderful, beautiful things. Soaring through the sky with wings, watching the world from above, a gentle wind nipping your cheeks as pure bliss rushes through your veins. I dreamt of running through meadows and riding horses. I dreamt of sailing across the sea and flying to outer space. I dreamt of singing and dancing and twirling and my imagination was so complex and was so wild that falling asleep was my favorite part of the day. When I would say goodnight to my little brother and my mother would kiss the top of my head, turning off the lights and leaving me alone for ten hours. I loved my dreams.

  I stopped getting those dreams for a while. They were replaced with something worse. In the night, my mind was restless, filled with horrors and memories and things I never wished to see. Watching everything around me crumble, watching everyone I love get hurt, watching the world I once knew turn into a place I feared with every bone in my body. I would wake up sweating, crying, screaming, terrified of closing my eyes.

  I think this is the first time I have fallen asleep peacefully in years.

  My eyes close and the world turns into a fades kaleidoscope of colors, shapes and patterns. I see it all so vividly, shifting and rearranging, building and collapsing. Its beautiful and it almost makes me nervous its going to slip away and a suppressed memory will replace it, haunting me for days and even weeks.

  But when they disappear, thats not at all what I see.

  Its not even a memory.

  I see a long walkway through a garden, magnificent flowers blooming all around, the sunshine beaming down on my skin. I look to the sides and see all my close friends standing around the path, dressed in beautiful gowns and ravishing tuxedos. I see Bonnie wiping away tears and Minho offering a thumbs up.

  "Are you ready?" My mother's voice rings from beside me. I look over and see her holding my hand, my other one grasping a beautiful bouquet of roses.

  I smile and nod my head, then looking in front of me. And that's when I see Newt.

  He is standing underneath a magnificent stone archway, dressed in a black suit with Jorge standing behind him. Soft music starts to play and I slowly make my way towards him, his smile getting wider and wider as I reach him.

  I step up to meet him and he looks me over, taking my hands and giving them a gentle squeeze.

  "Hello, love," He whispers, eyes twinkling as he grins. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful diamond ring. He slips it onto my finger. "I promised you a ring, didn't I?" Newt nods his head, not breaking eye contact with me as he clears his throat. "Love, when the box arrived in the Glade and I heard there was a girl for the first time, all the other boys were complaining. But I knew there was going to be something special about that girl. And there was. She didn't take anything from anyone. She stood up for herself and did what she believed was right, even if she was the only believer. But I saw something else in her. I saw gentleness, I saw bravery, and I saw kindness. I wanted to be the guy that became close to her. That knew everything about her, her favorite meals and jokes and colors. I wanted to know how she liked her food and how she fell asleep. I wanted to be able to remember her voice and her laugh no matter where I was. I wanted her to be my light during the darkest days," His eyes start watering and he smiles even bigger. "I never could've imagined finding love in a place like the Glade, nor carrying it out during everything I went through. I never knew what it felt like to be happy for no reason, to like someone so much that they're on your mind every minute, to see good things in the worst situations. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much," He squeezes my hands. "My dear Olivia, thank you for showing me it was possible."

  I see a single tear roll down his face and my heart melts.

  The next thing I hear is Jorge announce, "You may now kiss the bride."

  The next thing I feel is Newt's lips on mine.

  And the next thing I know, the beautiful sight fades away to complete darkness.


Newt's POV

  I hate falling asleep.

  I used not to. I used to look forward to night time. To unwind, to relax, and to fall asleep with Olivia in my arms.

  But its different now. Its my least favorite thing.

  Every time I close my eyes, it's a dark world. There's nothing but pain and suffering. And you would think it wouldn't be any different than the broken world I already live in, but it is. In my dreams, I enjoy what I see. The hurt and the violence makes me satisfied.

  I don't know what's happening to me. I try to fight it, I try to tell myself these things aren't good, I try so freaking hard to not embrace what I have turned into.

  The dark passenger makes it impossible. He's pressed himself into my thoughts. He's twisted my mind. And now, he is trying to change my heart. He's trying to rip me away from everything. He is trying to make me hate everyone I love.

  And it's slowly working.

  I used to look at Olivia and see a bright light. I saw a beautiful girl that I loved with all my heart. I saw warmth and a home. I saw someone who I wanted to be better for. I saw a reason to keep going, to stay strong. I saw courage and strength. I saw kindness and gentleness. I saw everything I wanted to become. I saw my dreams and wishes. I saw my future in her.

  But it's all changed.

  Now, I see darkness. I see someone who took everything from me. Who tortured me before the trials. Who never cared for me. I see a person who has ruined everything. She took everything. She destroyed everything. She only looks out for herself. She stabbed me in the back and then acts as if it's all okay. I should've known it from the day she woke up in that bloody box. I should've seen it when she chose Aris over me. I should've left her for dead because all she does it break me. She's a monster. Everything would be much easier if she was gone.

  And somehow, I still find room in my heart to love   her.

AUTHOR: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Newt's image of Liv is changing drastically!!! What does this mean for them? Why is he thinking these things?!?! WHAT THE FUDGE IS WRONG?!?! Some of you can guess but al will be revealed in a soon chapter ;)))) ALSO: guys guys guys guys guys... WES BALL AKA THE DIRECTOR OF TMR AND TST AND FUTURE DIRECTOR OF TDC TWEETED ME BACK ON TWITTER. I TWEETED HIM A THEORY I HAD ABOUT HOW MAYBE THE POISON IN THE GRIEVER STINGERS WAS ACTUALLY THE FLARE BECAUSE WHEN BEN WAS STUNG HE ACTED LIKE A CRANK BUT WHEN ALBY WAS STUNG HE SURVIVED...SO MAYBE BEN WASNT IMMUNE AND ALBY WAS IMMUNE!!!! IF YOU WANNA SEE THE PICTURE OF HIS REPLY ITS ON MY INSTAGRAM PAGE @SHUCKOFFGREENIE SO YEAH. BASICALLY HE SAID "HMMMMM :)" AND AGH I AM FREAKING OUT. Okay so that is my fangirl moment!!!! Have a fantastic day! I know I am ;) Bye! Xoxo <3

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