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  In a moment, the entire scene changes. There is no more trace of our emotional states as I turn my head to Newt, seeing the fear clearly crossing his eyes as shots and shouts come from outside. I can't decide if we should stay here, hidden and safe. It may not even be our friends that are in trouble, but I have a feeling they are.

  After all, we had driven all day and night to here, the bottom of the mountains and I bet no one else lives down here.

  "Olivia," Newt whispers, shaking me from my thoughts. He nods his head. "We need to go."

  I clear my throat as slide my hand out of his as we walk towards the door. I press my body against the wall and peek my head out of the frame.

  All I see are bullets whizzing through the air, the sound of them coming in contact with the ground and the car piercing the air. I see a group of several people with the large rifles slowly making their way towards our friends. They're all layered in clothing and have scarves and bandanas pulled over their mouths. Our group cowers at the sides, shouting at them to stop and throwing their hands in the air.

  "What do we do?" Newt asks from behind me. I take a deep breath and pull a small grenade out of my pocket, flipping the switch and taking a deep breath. Newt gives me a worried look. "Olivia, what are you doing?"

  I bite my lip. "Something stupid." I reply.

  He shakes his head. "Where the bloody hell did you even get that?"

  I shrug my shoulders. "Took it from Jorge's lair," I turn back around to face the outside. "I'm going to chuck it. Hold your ears." I carefully step out of the building, staying against the side of the wall. I hold my arm up and shut my eyes, thumb resting over the button. The pad of my finger barely grazes the tip before I feel something being pressed to my head.

  "Drop it." A muffled, stern voice orders. I open my eyes and see a man towering above me, rifle in hand and against my temple. "I said drop it!" He shouts and I close the bomb and stuff it back into my pocket.

  "On your feet, lets go," His partner says and I slowly stand up, the weapon still aimed at me. "Lets go, you too," He pulls Newt out of his hiding spot. "Over there." He nods towards our group, which is cornered and surrounded by their team. And I see poor Brenda, slumped down on the ground holding her still infected leg. She looks even worse, infection spreading. And Bonnie looks like a scared child, hiding behind Jorge.

  "Don't be stupid, move!" The man commands. I begin walking towards my friends, rifle against my back and join them, cautiously raising my hands up in the air. Aris gives me a sad, apologetic look. I stand next to Minho, who leans in next to me.

  "Nice to see your bright and shining shank face," He snaps, probably mad at me for the fiasco with Aris. I roll my eyes and focus on the real problem at hand as the crowd makes a small path for two approaching figures, both girls, one with dark hair and one with light.

  They hold their guns steadily as they make their way towards us, scarves pulled over their mouth and nose. The girl in the front reaches us first, but abruptly stops when her eyes focus on us.


  Aris raises his eyebrows, and I recognize the voice immediately. She pulls her scarf down, along with Sonya standing next to her.

  "Oh my God, Harriet, Sonya!" Aris exclaims and instantly rushes forward, and engulfing his friends in a hug.

  I lower my hands, in disbelief that they're here. I assumed they'd been taken and put on the machines, killed, just like the rest of them.

  "Oh my God, you're alive." I hear Aris mutter as he pulls away and stares at the two girls. I can't stop shaking my head, grinning from ear to ear.

  "Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass." Sonya laughs. She looks at all of us, at me, and runs over and hugs me. I hug her back, the betrayal with Aris now a thing of he past. "They told us you guys escaped," Sonya says, pulling away. "So they left us right when we were about to put under. So we made our own escape." She explains.

  Harriet turns around and whistles loudly. "We're clear, guys!" She yells. She waves her hand up. "Bring it in, Joe!"

  A large truck starts driving towards us. I see even more people emerge from hiding spots and off the tops of cliffs, about 30 more of them.

  "How'd you guys find these people?" I ask.

  Harriet looks at me. "The Right Arm got us out." She nods towards everyone.

  My eyes widen. "You're with-This-Is the Right Arm?"

  She smiles and shakes her head yes. "We're taking you to base," She opens the car door. "Hop in."

  We all climb into the vehicle and drive off, as we head up the mountains the world goes by quickly.

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