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Hey guys! I wanted to do something similar to countrycake so here are preferences about NEWLIA in the modern world. ❤️❤️❤️

What does Newt get Olivia for Valentines Day?

Newt goes all out and buys Olivia a teddy bear and chocolates, and takes her out to fancy dinner afterwards where he gives her a nice piece of jewelry. ❤️

What does Olivia do when Newt's had a hard day at work?

She prepares him his favorite meal and puts on his favorite movie. She'll rub his back while he eats and afterwards they cuddle. (Squee!) ❤️

What do they do when they hang out with the other Gladers?

They all go bowling! Olivia is surprisingly good at bowling and Newt struggles. He loves it when she comes behind him and shows him how to correctly bowl, and they play laser tag afterwards. If the opposite team shoots Olivia, Newt goes on a shooting frenzy and invades their base. ❤️

Best vacation together?

Newt took Olivia to Hawaii for two weeks. He loved to scoop her up and toss her into the cool water, but she would take a bunch of sand off the bottom of the ocean floor and come up and toss it at him for ruining her hairdo. They would collect shells, and Olivia taught Newt how to make a necklace out of them. It's one of his favorite crafts now, he always makes them for Olivia. ❤️

Their favorite times to kiss each other?

Although both are always up for locking lips, Newt always gives Olivia a kiss whenever she is getting worked up. He hates seeing her stressed out, so to calm her down and get her to relax, he kisses her. As for Olivia, she kisses Newt when it's quiet and they are watching a movie or cuddling by the fire. She likes to lean over and kiss him gently, because the silent, relaxed moments are her favorite.❤️

What happens when they go to the amusement park?

Newt loves to take Olivia on the rides, even the big ones because she is not afraid of anything like that. They always try to nab the front row seat. Neither of them scream on the rides, instead they laugh and hold their hands up as the wind whips their hair back. Newt always tries to win Olivia the biggest stuffed animal at the games and Olivia likes to feed Newt cotton candy, one of his favorite treats. At the end of the day, they always end up in the photo booth. They take a strip of pictures doing goofy and silly poses, and then a second round of the mushy gushy couple stuff, the fourth picture is always Newt pulling Olivia to him and kissing her. ❤️

What's a small thing they find adorable about the other person?

Newt can't take it when Olivia wears her reading glasses. He says they make her look so beautiful and classy, but he also says they make her look like a school teacher whenever she reads him pages from her book. They always fall onto the tip of her nose and Newt likes to push them back up, pecking her nose while doing so. Olivia loves it when Newt wears ties, for the same reason, he looks classy and handsome. But he never knows how to tie a tie, and gets annoyed when he can't do it right. She thinks it's so cute. So Olivia always ties it for him, but before the finishing touch, she pulls him by the tie towards her and stands on her tiptoes to kiss him, then returns to the tie. ❤️

What happens when they can't sleep?

Whenever they can't sleep, Olivia wants to build a fort. In the middle of the night. Newt gathers up all the pillows and blankets and she builds them a fort like they were little kids. They take flashlights and old picture books, laying in the tent reading them. Eventually, Olivia does get tired and drops the book, nuzzling into Newt as she drifts off to sleep. Newt picks her up and carries her back to bed, kissing her forehead before climbing next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist as he falls asleep as well. ❤️

What do the others have to say about their relationship?

Minho thinks it's kinda cute, but then quickly covers it up with "But they do too much PDA." Frypan thinks it's nice to see Newt so happy, since he was depressed before. Harriet and Sonya think Olivia and Newt's relation is absolutely adorable and they "Can't Even" Aris is just glad Olivia is happy. ❤️

What is something cute that also annoys the other person?

Newt finds it very annoying when Olivia tickles him! She will jump on him and pinning him down, tickling his stomach. Newt's extremely ticklish, but nothing Olivia can do will make him mad. Olivia gets annoyed whenever Newt gives her kiss attacks. She'll be working at her desk and Newt won't stop pecking her face! She finds it adorable though and ends up giving him a long kiss to fulfill his needs. ❤️

I hope you guys enjoyed this. Did I do an ok job? Imagining these makes my heart melt OMG.

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