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  I'm frozen in place

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  I'm frozen in place.

  In front of me stands Newt. And not the Newt I left on the floor of the Scorch.

  No, he's healthy. Skin returned to normal color, eyes soft and he's breathing steadily. The bruises and veins and cuts are all gone, as if they were never there.

  He stands up and walks ten feet in front of me as I continue to stand there, unable to move, mouth gaping.

  I try blinking, squeezing my eyes shut and reopening them, even daring to pinch myself. But he still stands, his lips curling into a small smile.

  I look from Bonnie, to the door, then to Newt, rubbing my eyes, trying to tell if I'm really seeing this.

  "I'm dreaming," I say, fingers rubbing my temples. "No, no I must be dead already." I whisper, trying my hardest to make sense of the situation.

  "Olivia," Bonnie says quietly. "You're not dreaming."

  I open my eyes again, facing her. "I swear to god if you are messing with me–"

  "I'm not." Bonnie says. She gives me a look that ensures me she isn't, but questions still bounce around my head.

  I look at Newt, there is absolutely no trace of the Flare on his body or even in his eyes. He looks at me, and I get those butterflies I got every day in the Glade.

  I don't understand.

  "What-How-I..." I trail off. "I thought I killed you." I whisper.

  Bonnie steps forward. "But you didn't," She confirms. "The bullet went through his head, but it basically knocked off the part of his brain that was infected. I managed to save him and brought him here until I could figure out what to do. But then Ava said your brain could cure the Flare, and well, I took part of it and put it in his head. It was risky, and I wasn't sure if it would work. But the cure rooted itself in his brain. The Flare is gone for good. He is cured." She softly smiles.

  I find that my hand has placed itself over my mouth. A shuddery gasp escapes my lips as I stare at Newt.

  It's unbelievable.

  I was so sure that he was gone. That I'd lost him. That'd I would have to go without him, find a way to let go.

  I feel like I'm going to burst into tears.

  And Newt does too. I can see the glossiness in his  eyes.

  "Now that I've put that out there," Bonnie says, backing away. "I'm gonna give you two some alone time," She then turns and opens the door. "I'll escort you to your room when you're done." And with that, she scurries out.

Demolished Love | Death CureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora