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Catherine's POV


Sorry for not updating sooner!

What's fear? An unpleasant emotion caused by someone or something dangerous. A threat.
So why the lecture on fear, well.....
Have you ever felt fear? Been afraid of what could lurk in the darkness? Well I'm scared & not because of the darkness but what's in it. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, but I didn't & couldn't see them.  I was beyond terrified...goosebumps ran down my spine & arms. I looked around but there was nothing...just darkness & a few glimpses of moonlight seeking through the window. I knew something was there but the real question was where? Even with werewolf sight it was impossible to see what it was. I look at my alarm clock next to my bedside & see its 3:00 AM in the morning....

Was I going crazy?
Maybe I was, or maybe not.
But I felt it, the presence of someone else. A somebody was here & my pounding heart & rapid breathing made it harder to solve the mystery of who was in here. My body was reacting on its own... Instead of fighting the fear it accepted it & let it control me. I was to much of a chicken to see or at least get up, so I did what any other cliché movie you would see .... I hid under my blankets wishing that it would all be a bad dream, or an act of imagination making me see & feel things that ' Weren't ' real. I hid from a truth that k knew was their....danger was near & I couldn't stop it. And not now that I've let my emotions keep me from helping my pack, he'll I'm the damn Luna yet I can't even act like one. I've become this shell....hard from the outside, & soft from the inside... I can't live my life this way, hating someone. My life was becoming a dark hole & I was letting it suck me in.....I had to fight what was coming, grow up & forgive the person that is meant to be with me for life & the guy that I will be fighting side by side.

Fear wasn't going to win.....

The presence never left but I didn't move. I would get through this, I knew  I could.

At least that's what I thought.

My eyes were getting heavy & sleep was something I craved for, after spending all morning long terrified of who was in my room I didn't get enough sleep or any. My body felt exhausted & under the warm, safe blankets my body gave in. I accepted the sleep.

That same morning I woke up....not happy but terrified of the sight in front of me. In my once beige walls was now big blood stains & letters.
But that wasn't what scared me it was the message it said.

" Your Time is up "

How would you react? Start crying, run.....scream. Well you guessed it I screamed, loud enough to wake up the entire pack. My screaming was stopped by my room door being knocked.

My body didn't respond I was frozen.
The message in human blood kept repeating inside my mind.
" Your Time is up" " Your Time is up " " Your time is up
The knocks were now bangs, pleas & shouts. Yet again no reaction.
The bangs, pleas & shouts were no longer heard as a pair of eyes looked around my room in fear,terror, worry. Soon I felt myself being shaken by a pair of hands, I looked up and saw his big brown eyes. Blake

His hand reached up & wiped something off my face....tears. I was crying. I wrapped my arm around him & accepted the warm sparks going through my body that made me feel safe. I cried more.

" I'm scared " I whispered to Blake. By now my body was shaking & more people had enters my room.
Blake turned around with me in his arms.

" Bring the trackers & clean this mess up. I want every single one of you too guard the pack house and the perimeters "
Blake's voice sent a calm feeling in me that made me believe that everything was going to be okay, but my logical self knew that this was nothing compared to what would come. This message left me terrified.....
" Your Time is up" " Your Time is up " " Your time is up"

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