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Ch: Mating\Marking
[ Warning : Sexual content ... Please read at your own risk & if too nasty for you than just skip it ]

         [Song Lyrics ]

We practice love between these sheets.
The candy sweetness scent of you.
My love for you is ' INSATIABLE '

- Darren Hayes -

Catherine's POV

It's been two months sense the incident as I would like to call it & finally after about a year later I will have my first official date with Blake. I couldn't believe that after so much we are finally giving ' US' a chance....being in that hospital bed weak & useless was horrible but the time that I spent with Blake was amazing. We got to know each other better by talking about each other's past, dreams, likes & dislikes & many other things that we decided to give us a try and I was beyond excited when he asked me out too our first ever date which is today. I can finally walk or move without hissing in pain every other minute & to be out of that bed was a blessing as I'm able to dress myself & get super Sexy for my mate. I was wearing some dark blue skinny jeans with a floral shirt & my flats and as for hair & makeup was hair in curls & light natural makeup just to seem casual but sexy ...see what I did !!!

Soon a knock was heard .. When I turn around their stands Blake & all his glory. He was wearing a black t-shirt that hugged his biceps,chest & six pack perfectly that all I wanted to do was trace them with my fingers. After a few more seconds of gawking over him I heard a deep husky laugh. As I look up their he was smirking at me as he knew I was just checking him out, I felt heat rise up to my cheeks that I felt myself blushing.

" Found something you like babe "
He asked playfully as I stared at his wide eyed.

" U- uh-h ... I've seen better "

* Okay that's a lie * my wolf playfully growls at for my answer.

A deep growl was heard & next thing you know I'm pinned against the wall with a very Sexy man I front of me. I look up at his eyes to see them changing from their normal brown color to black as his wolf was surfacing. And to me that was such a turn on too see him all mad that my eyes slowly flickered down to his lips & back up to his eyes. His eyes were taking every move as his head slowly leaned down towards mine that our lips were almost touching as are breaths were getting faster. Soon electrifying shocks went through me as his lips possessively kissed mine as both moved in sync, my arms found their way around his neck & his too my waist pressing me closer if possible to him.

The kiss was full of different emotions Love, lust , want as the kiss got rough & deeper. I loved his lips on mine but I needed to breath so gently pushed him away as we both started to take deep breaths.

" Next time you say that I will make sure to show you his better... Plus I'm all yours just like you are all ' Mine' " he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body.

" Y-es " I stuttered out as his words kept on reaping on my mind making me think of what exactly would he do to me. ' goddess why was I all horny all of the sudden' I thought to myself as Blake gently pressed his lips to mine and held my hand.

" Come on let's go to our date ... & this my love isn't over yet" he said winking at me while we descended the stairs to his car.

I blushed but nodded.

Once outside the pack house we headed towards his car but once outside the car door he stopped me.

" I will need you to but this on "
He says as I look at him confused until I see the rag.

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