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Song : A Drop In The Ocean- Ron PoPe
Enjoy and listen to the song on^^


My wolf whimpered in pain,and I cried for myself for everything. This was my life, I would be used for his needs and I would only be seen as a toy a plastic piece of trash for him. Was this what the moon goddess have for me. He had taken away my innocence. Gosh I remember saving myself for my mate but I never thought it would be taken away from me. Not the way I wanted to lose my innocences ..... None of this was what I wanted.

When I was young I always wanted a mate to protect me from harm and not cause it. Mates were a huge part of me, to have a person that will be with you a person that will hold you up when you're feeling down was what I wanted and needed . But I guess fate had other plans . I was stuck with a cruel mate....a mate with no feelings.

When I was in my old pack I got beaten for being an orphan and was treated poorly by all my pack members, but all their words and beatings didn't hurt as much as his words.... Those lips I craved once had said the words that shattered my heart. He thought of me so low.

Questions was all I had.... I was beyond confused was my life a never ending hell or would their be a happy ending like in the fairytales. Was there a future for me? My mind had gone over the images of what he had done to me.....& I cried.

Ashton ( Blakes Wolf)
That stupid human had taken away the thing that belonged to me. Fucking Blake new what her innocence meant to her and he took it. And what sucks I couldn't control anything. My beast was over thrown by my dark side, I let my beast take over and because of me she will hate me .. Us for ever. When Blake was little we both talked about our mate and how we would cherish and make her laugh everyday we talked of how she would be and we were both patient. When skylar came by I knew she was the one but when she was taken away Blake went into depression. He wouldn't eat sleep or talk all he did was beat himself for it and I would sometimes blame him and myself for not being able to save her. After a few months I had started to get used to not having her near me but Blake had changed he no longer had that smile that made my day. He had become cruel and I couldn't stop it.... I was just their to guide him but how can you help someone who doesn't want to be helped.? Later in the year I had a dream of a girl .... She was breathtaking and when I saw Catherine my world stopped .

After seeing her all I wanted was to take over and kiss her but sadly Blake turned me off .... Meaning he would reject his feelings towards her and do things he would regret later. Sadly Blake was no longer himself and did what he did pushed the only thing that gave me hope of being happy.... My mate Catherine hated me for Blake.

Blake was and I know he still is a great guy but all he needs is time to heal and realize that love has given him and me a second chance and we should take it before it's to late .

Love is something you should accept and cherish and never push away, you might have gotten hurt in the way but love is one thing we supernatural a and humans need.


Lalalalalala sing a happy song ...!
What you guys think ..

Guys so I got 10k views in my first ever book or the first version of this book and I'm excited.. So thanks for the support and keep reading/)
Love Addie

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