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Hey guys :)
Sorry for the shitty chapter but in the bright side I got lots of love to give :) yes no okay .


It was time .... Alpha Carlos was ready to strike in hopes of hurting his once friend. To injure Catherine.

Blake's POV

I had gotten a strange feeling all week long....My wolf was uneasy and alert & so was I , I felt the need to be close to Catherine and protect her. She needed me after all I was her mate & I know she might hate me after so much shit in the past but i have a responsibility to take care of my mate. I might have mixed feelings towards her at the moment but Skylar can't get in the way of protecting Catherine, because if something ever happened  to her I would die.

3rd POV
The night was silent ... Maybe to silent as a thick cloud of fog surrounded the pack house. The moon light was barely seen as the night sky's were cloudy. The night was perfect .... Perfect for the unexpected attack, the once quite woods were soon filled with menacing growls. Rouge wolfs were soon ready to attack the peaceful people of Alpha Blakes pack, but as a distraction as they only had one person to injure ... Which was Catherine his mate. 

The other human form rouges were ready as soon as Alpha Carlos gave the signal.
The attack would be planned as Unknown .... Just a random rouge attack but Blake would never see the truth behind  this soon to be massacre.

A menacing growl was heard in a far distance as it shook the once silent woods ground waking up ... Alpha Blake.

While the rouges attacked
The alpha was now on high alert as his pack was now being attacked. He was mad hell some might say Furious. He stormed out the front door only to see red eyed rouges. By now many pack Warriors were outside in fighting mode ready to protect their people.

Inside the pack house were kids, mothers, elders & Catherine the target. The pack members were scared as they ran towards the safe underground room..... But Catherine stayed behind. Her love ... Mate was fighting & she needed to know if he was okay... She couldn't imagine him hurt it would break her heart.
She ran towards the front door and opened it only to see Blood.... Lots of Blood. Bodies every where some in wolf form & others in human... Rouges & warriors fighting, but what got her attention was a midnight black wolf fighting three ...

One rouge had pushed himself against Blake as the others clawed and bite him. Soon Blake stumbled of balance and was soon underneath the rouges who were more than ready to end his life but a scream made them stop.

Catherine's .... She screamed as she saw the blood thirsty wolfs on top of her mate. They turned around and launched towards her .... Alpha Blake got up but was soon back on the ground as another pair of wolfs attacked him.
Meanwhile Catherine struggled to get away from the rouges.... She ran
& ran as fast as her human legs could but like in every cliche Story she tripped ... Hitting her head in the process but that didn't stop her as she kept on running.
The paws were getting near as she started to feel tierd and dizzy ....

"Come one ... Not now"  she whispers as she was knocked down by a dirty brown wolf. She struggled underneath him as his weight caused her hard to breath. The once wolf had now shifted into a young man .

Catherine cried in pain as the man pulled her hair and started to leave wet kisses down her neck...... She tried to push him of but in her dizzy stage it wasn't very useful as he only pinned her down. His rough hands touched her breast and down her waist.....

Soon another wolf joined in...with a wolfs bane .

" open up.... Pretty lady" the mans low evil  voice said.

Catherine struggled but their was no use as the man forcefully shoved the wolfsbane onto her mouth... She tried to spit it out but the two men held her down ..., soon Catherine was consumed by darkness but before that the two men shot her with a silver bullet.... Leaving the poor Catherine bleeding .... Weak & on the edge of death.


( to be continued )

---- love addie
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